Floor Music

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Any one have some upbeat music thats from this decade? My routines are fast and powerful..My coach and I are thinking the Music from Summer Girl by Stereo..any onther ideas? Also some ideas for partner skills or stunts? For gymneastrada??
I asked for gymnaestrada songs a while back and got some great ideas. It's in this thread:
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If you're looking for a song that has a bit of a story, musicals are awesome - Newsies has some great songs.
I like non-mainstream catchy and yet classic tunes. They are best for fast and powerful routines IMHO.
Two peices that i really like that are kinda fast are Fuego and Gypsy Rhapsody, both by Bond. Fire on Ice is pretty cool too...
Sasy and brassy. that is my floor music. it is really quick and upbeat.

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