Funniest Inappropriate Snacks in Gym Bag

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My DD's teammate drank a 4-hour energy before her meet last night. Scary thing is...she had her best meet of the season!
Not at a meet, but I had a kid complaining during practice that she felt sick to her stomach because she had guzzled a soda before practice- I think some type of junk food was included in this meal as well though I don't quite remember all the details. Yikes!
DDs coach actually walks around at snack time and will tell someone they aren't allowed to eat this or that and then will take it and talk to the parents about it after practice. She also talks with them all during snack about what was wrong with that food and what a better option would have been. I have seen her reading labels to them and talking about ingredients and sugar content. If the girl doesn't have a healthier options all the girls will help cobble together a good snack for her from their stuff.

I have seen parents get really bent out of shape that the coach won't let their kid eat sugar cereal or corn syrup gummy "fruit snacks" for snack.

I think it is great, although I think some parents at my gym would disagree (many of them aren't really happy about how strict the program is getting). The girls are really learning a lot about nutrition and several parents have talked about their kids asking them "what's in that" and reading labels and refusing something junky wanting something healthier.

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