First, I think Chow is taking the highroad. Gabby is morally and legally in the wrong, and there is no disputing that. Why would Chow want to invest the effort and money needed to collect? It's just not worth it. And then the PR issues....Chow sues the poor, minority young girl and her single's just a no-win for him.
As to your other comment about athletes seeking to cash in, I have no problem with a few endorsements, and if she were my daughter, I would probably encourage her to do some as well. What gets most people irritated is the bad-mouthing and the unpaid bills.
I LOVE that gymnastics is a sport that is relatively unadulterated by the "show me the money" attitude that many sports have. I can't think I've ever heard a little gymnast talk about how her goal was to get rich and drive an Escalade, and have a mansion. Even 7 and 8 year-olds on the basketball court and football field carry on about how rich they're going to be when they play for the Lakers or the Vikings. I love that gymnastics is NOT about the money. Gymnasts, coaches, and parents are all involved because of a love for the sport, not a desire to get rich. There is sense that Olympians should give back to the sport, and be good examples, good leaders, and good ambassadors. Gabby has shown no desire to do any of those things.