This is where the parent has to step up to the plate and defend their child. We were at a gym similarly described by Gymgal where the coach thought he knew more than the doctors and HE would give you a post op "plan" for your kid..... my oldest had a back fracture in September one year and was to be in a hard brace 24/7 , except to shower ...this coach said "well we can have her condition until she's ready to train" ...first week went fine , only conditioning...second week, a parent pulls me aside to tell me that my daughter was doing dance throughs on the beam and then he had her doing bars (with "no dismounts") and her bar routine included a Tkachev . I asked my daughter if this was all true and she said "yes, coach said i'd rested enough and it was time to get working again"...and that's when I told her, you are done with ANY type of practicing for the next 10 1/2 weeks, period . I gave him a chance and he failed .
So I went to the next practice with steam coming out of my ears and I asked to speak to the coach...and he wasn't happy about it but he came over and I said "did you have my daughter practicing on the beam and bars yesterday versus the conditioning only that her doctor agreed to and so did you?" And he stammered a bit and I said "that's a yes or no answer"... to which he said "yes but.." ... I stopped him right there and said " you blew it and she won't be back for 11 weeks... and I'm not paying the tuition for those months either" forward to 4 months , she had rested , worn her brace 24/7 and upon her MD recheck visit, it had healed and she could return to practice, and she did . She ended up going to regionals and JO Nationals and she won that year ....the 4 months off didn't doom her and she healed, and knock on wood, never had another back issue. There were several back fractures in that gym and she was the only one who stayed out of the gym as directed by her doctor, and she's the only one who didn't have ongoing back pain years down the road. .
So many parents are afraid to stand up to a coach but you have to, especially in these times..