Dunno, all sarcasm aside, You mention the word "bonified" and define it as "that means solid level 10's capable of going 36 or more even with a fall." and you mention this, " it doesn't matter what is done. you still only have that many 10's and that many states that have them." Okay that being said,
Here are is what I am concerned about.
Region 1 has 253 level 9's, Region 2 has 111
Region one has 225 10's region 2 has 49
All going for around the same number of spots give or take. It just doesn't workout. We do have some very high caliber 10's who just did not make the cut to NIT. Some of these kids hit high 36's all the way up to mid 37's. They just missed a release or something, they do not get to go. Same thing last year, and next etc...
Similar regions around the country are experiencing the same thing, (but not this bad)
So why wouldn't some type of shift be made?
Dunno, good weather aside, it takes hours and hours to get anywhere around here. lol.
I see you your other post,
Region 5 is awesome, and if you put Cali in it, well Dunno, you would end up with the same problem we have currently in region 1, massive numbers. But do you think region 5 would take us???
