and NIT was started BECAUSE there were so many athletes. and those athletes that would NOT be seen by college coaches. opportunity is now there for both groups and the college coaches already know what kids crapped on themselves at Regionals and made NIT's and the others that may have had the MEET OF THEIR LIFE and are in the "Nationals" division. the college coaches aren't stupid. they know who everyone is.
and as i have stated before, they really aren't concerned with how they do at this meet (seniors). they are there looking at 8th and 9th graders and others younger coming up. maybe there are those out there that have a problem with that. but this is the system we have and it won't change anytime soon.
and before you all may send emails, you need to seriously consider what i have told you. if USAG changes things to accommodate what you think would be better, i'm telling you that only 6-8 states will be represented. understand? if the state of Wyoming has no 10's, then they have no 10's. and there are many more states that have no 10's than the 6-8 that do. it is the lack of 10's in demographic/region areas that cause the issue. NOT the way the system is.
and as i compared, if Illinois were moved to Region 4 as was discussed a couple of years ago, what do you all think it would mean for Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Missouri? look how many 10's they have and then compare their top 7 in each age group to those from Illinois at either their State or Regional meet.
those from Hawaii already have a huge disadvantage. look at their numbers. then look at Region 2's. and they have to come "in country" to even compete. and along with all those expenses required to come mainland. if they were put in Region 1 for example, NO ONE from Hawaii would make it out of Regionals because Region 1's numbers are so overwhelming.
honestly folks, think serious before you start sending out emails. be careful what you wish for...