Grips for new gymnasts

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Nov 11, 2009
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My daughter is new to gymnastics. She has been at her gym for one year. M is currently a level 5, and I was wondering if anyone can let me know if she should have grips at this point? Any information you can give would be helpful. thanks :)
I would ask her coach. Different gyms handle grips differently. My DD's gym does not allow grips until they have their Kip. But I have been at meets where L3's have them.

Since your gymmie is a L5 I assume she has her Kip. Many gyms use that as a giuse for getting grips.

Hope this is at least a little helpful !

Oh , I almost forgot, Welcome to CB !! I look forward to hearing about your DD
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Ask her coach cus my coach told me and my team mates when to get them :)
Hi, welcome to CB. I think every gym is different when it comes to getting grips. My DD got her grips after she became a L5 and working the bars more. The coach told us what she wanted (dowels with double buckel) and measured the girls hands and told us what size. We could either buy at our gym or order them online. We switched gyms this past Summer though and the new gym's L5 team did NOT have grips yet. Not too long after, the rest of the team got hand guards, but the owner mentioned he did not like the grips our girls were using. So, different grips for different coaches and gyms, LOL
My DD loves her grips though and is happy with them. I would start with either asking the other parents in the gym what they know or asking the coach directly.
My daughter is new to gymnastics. She has been at her gym for one year. M is currently a level 5, and I was wondering if anyone can let me know if she should have grips at this point? Any information you can give would be helpful. thanks :)

Different gyms have different policies. But basically, they just don't make sense until you do skills that involve some swinging / kips. Since your dd seems to be at that level, I'd just look at her teammates - do they wear grips? also, is she having issues with keeping a good grip on the bars?
1st step is ask her coach. I know my gymmie wasn't allowed to have grips until after her L6 season. Also as others have mentioned some coaches have a real preference as to brand, type(buckle/velcro). If the coach agrees grips are ok, ask for some help in measuring and what brands they would recommend. I would not get grips with the idea of wearing them if she's already started her competition season since they do take some time to break in and get used to.

JMO, stay away from palm guards. They really don't do anything to help the gymmie swing bars and I honestly think their only purpose is to let little ones look like a "big girl." She would have to learn how to use dowels eventually so best to wait until she's ready for those.
At my gym, the coaches think it is best to get them in level 5 because when you are swinging on high bar, there is a good chance of slipping off the bar. The dowels on the grips help you hold on better. But it isn't a requirement for our gym, though.
JMO, stay away from palm guards. They really don't do anything to help the gymmie swing bars and I honestly think their only purpose is to let little ones look like a "big girl."
Palm guards helped me immensely. Last year I ripped almost every other practice - I was doing a lot of conditioning and not much bars. After the competition season, I got palm guard grips and I stopped ripping for several months, and even after that period, I ripped a lot less than I had without them. It's just something about my palms that makes them rippy. They even get little rips when I do pull ups and skin the cats and stuff without grips.
Your daughter should start after her level 5 season. I start all my gymnasts after their level 5 season even if they don't move up. There should really be a break when u introduce them, like over the summer or off season. There will be loss of skills and some kids may feel that they are awful, but they will be throwing giants soon enough and need them then. I like teno grips or superGrips but if they have tiny hands pixie grips are great.
At my gym, everyone has grips, even the level 2s. We are not forced to wear them, but we have to HAVE them. I personally hate them, so I never use them, but all of the level 2s do.

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