How cute is that?

I can only judge by my dd's gym, but I completely disagree that
grips can cause so many issues. It must depend partially on coaching,
grips brand as well as other factors... as I stated before our girls use grips immediately on pre-team - they learn their front/back hip circles, tap swings, kip and on with them. Our compulsory girls that competed last season have gorgeous form, and beautiful bars. 4 of our girls had never even competed before and won bars or placed in the top 3 at practically every L5/6 meet. Our L6 who was the youngest (just turned 8 yrs old) in our state to qualify for states by an entire year (she competed 1 L5 meet and then went right to L6).She is now the state bar champion in the 8-10 yr old age group. None of these girls ever got below a 9 from their 1st meet and on - except for the (then 7 yr old, turned 8 - 2 weeks before state) L6 that casted to a perfect handstand on the high bar, held it for 5 seconds and then fell forward into the coaches arms. Well, she got an 8.6 but she still won bars at that meet in the 7/8 yr old age group LOL!
It may take your little one a couple of weeks to adjust to them, but she will. I really like the AAU L4 in GA

good luck to your dd!