I can definitely do bars. They started out afraid of the uneven bars so we spent a lot of time doing non scary drills and conditioning to help them adapt. My group is very young, so most don't even have a year of practice under their belts when I find them. I have to break things down into very very small parts, sometimes for a very long time. What the girls can do, they do very well, but I shape TONS and add skills slowly.
Beam we've actually just started seriously. They can do backwards rolls, some even to a pike. Lots of drills and movements designed purely to teach them the feel of being square. The finer points such as releve and how to walk in it, arms, and fingers were trained on a strip of tape by the mirrors and the ballet barre. We didn't even start handstands until very recently on beam, I waited until they could show me a consistent step forward and scale into it on floor. It's all very basic, and some is still in the drill phase. Not new drills either, what I do I learned from my coaches and coworkers over the years. My level is all about confidence building, slowness and shaping. So narrowing it down to points of actual interest would be helpful.