WAG Handspring Vault help

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Hey guys! I need some help.... and fast! I have states this weekend... and am competing vault for the first time in 2.5 months (?) I had stress reaction/shin splints.... then sprained an ankle preventing me from practicing vault. I had a beautiful vault (scoring 9.1s-pretty good usually 2 or 3 place) but it's back to square one. It definitely isn't bad-but weak. I have a decent run, but never hit the front of the springboard, usually the middle. I have a pretty good shape onto the table, but then my arms bend and I block-but I'm archy. Any tips or advice? Please help, I want to clean it up!
P.S. I don't know if it matters... but I'm 14, 5'2" and vault on 115 or 3.
Not easy to explain over the internet but start your run with a decent pace then a 1/4 of the way down go all out. You need to Hurdle around 2 of your body links from the board or more. keep a decent hallow body when entering the board but once you have reached your extension from the bound drive your heels to an imaginary x above the vault hitting a nice tight arch. once your hands have compressed the table your should be in a straight body position with the head slightly up. the is where you should be extremely tight all the way to your toes trying to get your air. while in the air do not bring your head forward until it is time to land. Remember it is a blind landing so keep it that way.
good luck, wish I could explain this better

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