He Kexin may not be old enough for Beijing

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After hearing all sides, I think they should just get rid of the rule. Let's look at synchornized diving. They had a 14 year old male (Thomas Daley, I believe is his name) dive in the Olympics. Sure, he pretty much tanked in the end, but it was Britain's choice to put a young prodigy out on the platform. It's a risk they were willing to take, and were able to. That sport has no age limit if I've heard correctly, an athlete could be 4 years old and it wouldn't matter. And they're jumping off a 3 story high board. Mental capacity anyone? Gymnastics is also very physically demanding, but I think most people are more concerned over the athletes' emotional well being.
The diviers have to be 14 years old by December 31st 2008 in order to compete at the olympics.
Did anyone notice (on the BBC) that one gymnast managed to be 17 during qualifying and 16 today? Now thats a cool trick.
Did anyone notice (on the BBC) that one gymnast managed to be 17 during qualifying and 16 today? Now thats a cool trick.

I don't know - I've started counting backwards at each birthday now - but I guess that is a bit young to start doing that :D
Rules are rules. It's not fair for everyone else to follow them and let one team slide...looked past because they are the Olympic Country Host. Yes, China may have surpassed all other teams in the team gymnastic final, but may have broken the rules....the rules that all other teams abided by. And this is not fair nor right. I am surprised the Olympic regulators or what not did not take a deeper investigation into the ages of China's gymnast since the scandal in Sydney. Here is an excerpt of an official news report and a link to the full article.

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"Yang Yun, a Chinese gymnast who was listed as 16 when she won double bronzes at Sydney, later went on Chinese television and said she had been 14 when she competed."

I'm sorry, but I am confused to how Olympic officials simply took passports as a accurate age indicator for China despite their past obvious disregard to rules. I definitely think China being the host of the Olympics played a big part in the lack of investigation on this issue.

All in all, no matter what team was more deserving, the bottom line comes down to EVERYONE playing by the rules. Thats why these regulations were made. If one team is bypassing this rule, then the entire competition should be in question.
I agree. What is the point of having rules if the IOC and/or FIG is not going to enforce them? There is plenty of evidence to warrant deeper investigation. The passports provided by the Chinese government should NOT be considered sufficient evidence of age in light of their past indiscretions and the current discrepancies reported by several of their own websites, and even in speeches given by their own personnel!
"proof" he kexin is 14

alright I really hate discussing the whole age issue since we have kind of done it to death already :p. Honestly there are so many more important issues in the world today... & IMO gymnastics has no age. This issues could be argued round and round. kids competing for USAG at 5 & 6 yrs old is no different to me then kids competing at the elite level at 10 or 11 yrs old.

It does seem to be adding even more gymnastic viewers this year though, hmmmmm - seems people LIKE controversy :rotfl:

Anyway, thought I would share this news article with exhibits A-E outlining previous mentions of He's true age.

David Flumenbaum: Scandal of the Ages: Documents Reveal Underage Chinese Gymnast
Did anyone notice (on the BBC) that one gymnast managed to be 17 during qualifying and 16 today? Now thats a cool trick.

:eek:Thats so not fair!! I wanna do that:mad: Can someone make me....I dont know.........21:D

My mom said something the other day when they were raising the Chinese flag and the "women" were singing the national anthem. She watched and said, "well they have the medal their goverment wanted so bad but they still are'nt free and they may never be."

If the Chinese government wanted a passport to say Mickey Mouse on it-it will and who would stop them from putting it on it? Their government controls everything and everybody.
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You know it's bad when CNN starts covering it:

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And another fascinating point. In 1992, Shannon Miller lost the title to Kim Gwan Suk (or something like that) from Korea. In 1993, when it was realized she had been registered as 15 for 3 years running, the team was barred from worlds. Yet she was never stripped of her medal-they were caught CHEATING and even admitted she was only 11 years old or something ridiculous. That's sick. It would be like allowing Marion Jones to keep her Olympic gold after admitted to doping. It's just wrong.

Bottom line: even if there is enough proof, who know if anything will come of it besides world-wide disrespect for the Chinese.

I totally agree with you. This is why we all want to talk about it I think & keep beating the age issues. What will come of it? Nothing! We are in the China Olympics, who would like to be the one to dissrespect them? The IOC, who just sat thru an amazing Opening ceremony? I also agree when we (USA) are wrong (ie, Marion Jones) we strip the medal. Cheating is cheating.

You can't watch 15 min of Olympic coverage without some comment being made about the Chinese honor to their country from their athletes or how they initiated a special program JUST to target sports that they could train/qualify athletes that would give them the greatest advantage of winning medals for their country. I suppose integrity and honesty mean nothing in their definition of honor.
My complaint is not that there is an age limit and what it should or should not be. My complaint is that there is a rule that every other country is abiding by and China is not be held to the same requirement. That's unfair and that's cheating.
My complaint is not that there is an age limit and what it should or should not be. My complaint is that there is a rule that every other country is abiding by and China is not be held to the same requirement. That's unfair and that's cheating.

Shawn, I agree.

also - we missed you this week while we chatted during the meets
You know it's bad when CNN starts covering it:

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CNN has been covering it all along, as well as many other major newspapers. There is plenty of press on the issue... I just think it has more to do with maintaining a controversy for viewing results more then any other reason.

I totally agree with you. This is why we all want to talk about it I think & keep beating the age issues. What will come of it? Nothing! We are in the China Olympics, who would like to be the one to dissrespect them? The IOC, who just sat thru an amazing Opening ceremony? I also agree when we (USA) are wrong (ie, Marion Jones) we strip the medal. Cheating is cheating.

You can't watch 15 min of Olympic coverage without some comment being made about the Chinese honor to their country from their athletes or how they initiated a special program JUST to target sports that they could train/qualify athletes that would give them the greatest advantage of winning medals for their country. I suppose integrity and honesty mean nothing in their definition of honor.

is this somehow directed at me? We spoke here on the CB on the issue many times prior to the olympics and most said nothing...

No, sorry, that comment wasn't directed towards anyone here...sorry if you took it that way. I am not the best when it comes to putting my thoughts into writting. It was meant to be sort of a lighthearted apology since I seem to have become intrigued with the subject and continue to add my thoughts about it.
That all the Chinese gymnasts are 16+ These girls look 9!

Especially the girl in the picture who has a missing tooth....:rolleyes:

FOXNews.com - Controversy Over Chinese Gymnasts' Ages Clouds Gold-Medal Win - 2008 Summer Olympics

Do you think they will disqualify them?

I posted this earlier:
And another fascinating point. In 1992, Shannon Miller lost the title to Kim Gwan Suk (or something like that) from Korea. In 1993, when it was realized she had been registered as 15 for 3 years running, the team was barred from worlds. Yet she was never stripped of her medal-they were caught CHEATING and even admitted she was only 11 years old or something ridiculous. That's sick. It would be like allowing Marion Jones to keep her Olympic gold after admitted to doping. It's just wrong.

Bottom line: even if there is enough proof, who know if anything will come of it besides world-wide disrespect for the Chinese.

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