WAG Healing Rips

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Jan 26, 2014
Reaction score
My good news is that I got my flyaway today! But then I went to work on kips and now I have a bad rip. It's pretty deep, like enough to bleed and I really want to keep practicing flyaways and kips (I'm so close!) but that's kinda hard to do. So what methods do you use for healing rips faster? I just washed it off and put a bandaid on like I always do, but is there something else I can try?
Vitamin E........ You can buy this in gel capsules, and apply a small amount by lancing the capsule with a large sewing needle and squeezing some out onto your rip.
I used to work for a gym that employed a former level 8 gymnast. She swore by preparation h to heal rips. Never tried it on DD though. We take a preventative approach. Pumis stones and hand lotion to keep the hands soft so they don't rip. DD has had only one rip ever. She's a L5 and doesn't wear grips as her hands are too small.
There's rip guardian and spenco second skin tapes. Both can be purchased at Amazon. My daughter uses rip guardian. When she gets a tip, she sprays it clean. Then we use an antibiotic the first day. She never puts a band aid because it needs to dry out. We put A&D ointment as well on day two until it heals. But rip guardian allows her to keep,practicing bars without pain.
Tape a hot teabag to your rip and then put a sock on your hand and sleep with it on. It will dry out your rip
DuoDERM Extra Thin Spots

Available on Amazon for cheaper than most local drug stores will be (though still not cheap).
Thanks so much, I'm going to try some of those things.
definitly do the vitemen e gel capsules those work like magic i use them all the time and theyre gone in two to three days!! very helpful ! also congratulations on your flyaway! good luck
Keep it hydrated so it doesn't crack and tape it up to keep going.
A combination of preparation H and neosporin when she was younger. As my dd got older and she would get a rip, she would put crazy glue on it. Is that the best solution, I don't know, but her hand never feel off, nor got infected. Sadly, during meet season, you can't take any days off so the hands take a beating, but if you can score a couple of days in a row, that helps a lot too. When my dd was doing double bars at practice, before she got to practice and before the rips occurred, she would put liquid band aid on the calluses in an effort to try not to get the rip to begin with. I have to say my dd's hands are gross! ha ha

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