I did the "just get it up and over for now" way this year. Most of my kids have straightened out, nice cast hands. I have two, however, with huge arm bends/casting off their stomachs. They can both go over and sometimes even control it to come back into the bar from handstand, but it's archy and with bent arms. With straight arms they only get to about horizontal, if that. One also leans excessively far foward. We are currently working both getting over still with the bent arms and doing casts in a row (however low) with straight arms. Will this be effective in changing the bad habit, or should I cut out every form of a bent arm cast entirely? I fear if we do that, we'll lose any form of a cast above horizontal, though, and comp season is right around the corner for us. Thoughts/advice from other coaches? Drills? They're both very strong kids, it's more the case of breaking a bad habit, getting comfortable with something different. One also has longer arms and a naturally bigger arch in her back), which i think makes this more difficult for her.