Parents Help me not be a CGM! Advice wanted about level placement.

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Proud Parent
May 25, 2012
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Help talk me off the ledge of being a crazy gym mom.

I’m frustrated with how our gym has handled move ups and team groups this year. My daughter just finished a year of pre-team and moved up to team/level 3 in January. However, skill wise I feel like she, along with 2-3 other girls would fit better with the level 4 group. The pre team coaches even made comments that this group of girls were ahead of some of the new 4s who just finished competing 3. (We compete in the fall). She has her kip, not straight arm yet, but there are some new level 4s that can’t even do them at all yet. She can do back tucks on floor, cartwheel and back walkovers on the high beam etc. The pre team coaches had us have a meeting with the owner/head coach and he insisted that everyone MUST compete level 3. I was kind of ok with that, but on Fridays they are sometimes mixed with the level 4 group if they are short coaches, and it’s pretty clear they are all at the same level for the most part.

Should I just let it go, or would you push the issue.

Oh and this isn’t my first rodeo, I have an older daughter who “retired” from the sport after her level 8 season. So you would think it would be easier this time around.
As long as your daughter is allowed to continue to uptrain, I wouldn’t stress about whether she competes L3 or L4 this season. As you know, it’s a long road from here until upper level optionals. If you are otherwise happy with this gym, it will all work out.
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I second what curlygirls said. And no reason to rush it. I am guessing they want all girls to compete L3 to gain some confidence in competing their first year. It's a really good strategy. How old is she?
How old is your DD? Is your DD at the same gym that your older one retired from? Does your gym have many L9/10s?
I would be frustrated too. I am at the beginning of the journey though and do not have the perspective of most, but wanted to let you know that I hear your frustration and would feel the same.
Let it go! If the rule is that everyone competes L3, that’s the rule. Let her have a great season at 3 and then she will likely have everything perfect for 4 when the time comes. Just being able to perform the skills is not enough in JO...they need to be done pretty much perfectly.

This of course is assuming you are happy with everything else your gym and don’t want to go anywhere. If there are other issues and a possible gym switch is in your future, then that’s something else entirely.

Good luck!
My DD is competing level 4 this season. She started in XB and then competed level 3 last year. I feel that it is a big jump from level 3 to level 4, particularly bars and vault, and the judging is tougher, in my opinion.

Because she essentially had two years in level 3 (her XB routines were almost identical to her level 3 ones), she had more time to uptrain and build muscle for level 4. She has a had a pretty successful season and has scored better than many those that only spent one year at 3. She most likely will be ready for 5 next competitive season instead of having to repeat 4.

If the gym’s rule is that everyone competes 3, and you are otherwise happy with the gym, let her compete 3 and enjoy a successful season while up training, and then she will be even more prepared for 4 and will likely have success there. It may be better for her confidence in the long run to enjoy some success instead of potentially struggling in level 4.
I wouldnt be too concerned as long as she is allowed to uptrain. DD had to do a second year of level 3 last year I wasnt thrilled at the time but it was definatley the best thing for her. I was less thrilled she didnt uptrain as much as some of the other groups. This year though as level 4 her group is uptraining for 5/6 consistently so I am much happier. I think the uptraining is more important the competition level especially in compulsories.
It sounds exactly like my DD after pre-team. She had her kip, back tuck, etc. Her gym did chose to have her "skip" level 3 and move right to level 4. And while she did ok at level 4, there are so many high scoring gymmies at that level, she never placed well, because she was still learning how to compete. She and her teammates did a 2nd year at level 4 while training to score out of 5. My DD would have benefited from one year at 3 to learn how to compete and I am sure she would have only done one season of 4 instead of 2.

As many will tell you, the irony is that I felt awesome at the time that my DD was selected to "move up faster" than the group. Now, the group is basically all at the same levels (albeit at different gyms). So a season here or there apart from the group doesn't mean much in compulsories -- or quite honestly optionals either -- where I see a bunch of girls who split apart and move back together at some point.
If it's the same gym that your older DD went to and you were happy with her experience then I'd let it go. If your DD would be young for L4, then I'd let it go. If your gym is successful in L9/L10, then I'd let it go.

If you gym tends to cap out at L8 because they hold them back in lower levels, then I'd move. If your DD is going to be an older than average L4, I would also move. If you were unhappy with your older DD's experience at this gym, I'd move.
I wouldnt be too concerned as long as she is allowed to uptrain. DD had to do a second year of level 3 last year I wasnt thrilled at the time but it was definatley the best thing for her. I was less thrilled she didnt uptrain as much as some of the other groups. This year though as level 4 her group is uptraining for 5/6 consistently so I am much happier. I think the uptraining is more important the competition level especially in compulsories.


If it's the same gym that your older DD went to and you were happy with her experience then I'd let it go. If your DD would be young for L4, then I'd let it go. If your gym is successful in L9/L10, then I'd let it go.

If you gym tends to cap out at L8 because they hold them back in lower levels, then I'd move. If your DD is going to be an older than average L4, I would also move. If you were unhappy with your older DD's experience at this gym, I'd move.

As long as she's still uptraining I would let it be and try to just enjoy the season.

Having extra time in the lower levels seems to often be a good thing for the long-term, based on my observations, and there's always the possibility that she'll end up skipping a level eventually (and ending up with the current level 4 girls anyhow) if she continues to improve more quickly than expected.

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