hi all! 1st year level 10

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I'm mom to a 13yo first year level 10. Oh my! All I can say is, "Gee, I miss level 8! Life was so easy then! Level 10 is brutal. Dd is doing well. Had first comp. last weekend. Unfortunately, she was in the session with all of the elites. Comp. was tough. It'll come. Nice to meet everyone.
Welcome! :) It`s just great to read about your daughter doing so well! :) Level 10 is amazing!! It must have been exciting for her to compete in one session with the elites!!
I will love to hear about how she`s doing in her competitions!!

I can imagine it`s really tough and a lot of hard work! This all confirms you must love this sport! :)
I'm 13 and a level 8........
How many hours a week does your dd practice? And what does dd stand for anyway? I mean I know it means daughter but why dd? <3

We have highs and lows with this crazy sport. But for some reason, dd can't walk away! I laugh because she has a love/hate relationship with it. She is now motivated again. She works very hard in the gym. She is a perfectionist by nature. In all aspects of her life! Nothing like me. lol I'll keep you posted as to how she does this year. It's going to be a tough one. She scored mid-34's at her first meet with 2 falls. She doesn't have all of her bars/floor skills as of yet. I guess we could say that she is a work in progress! Nice to meet you.
Welcome to the CB crabby 13! I have an 11 yo who will be starting the season as a L7 and may get to move up to 8 then again---may just stay L7 and get the experience of a full season at that level. Will be so interested to hear how your dd does this season. Our former gym had alot of L10s(a few elites thrown in) and I could see the toll it took on them emotionally and physically. She has already accomplished alot in this very tough sport at a young age.

Read your post to another parent about the Hopes program. What is about all these girls being perfectionists? For mine, her routines are never "good enough" even though coaches tell her she's doing well and in school its all As or bust. I just sat down with her to discuss school and told her getting a B is fine with us as long as she tried as hard as she could in that class. She looked at me like I was from Mars:)

We have highs and lows with this crazy sport. But for some reason, dd can't walk away! I laugh because she has a love/hate relationship with it. She is now motivated again. She works very hard in the gym. She is a perfectionist by nature. In all aspects of her life! Nothing like me. lol I'll keep you posted as to how she does this year. It's going to be a tough one. She scored mid-34's at her first meet with 2 falls. She doesn't have all of her bars/floor skills as of yet. I guess we could say that she is a work in progress! Nice to meet you.

Wow, thanks so much for all the insight!! :) I´ve read in your previous post, that your daughter trains 21 hours a week....that`s a whole lot regarding her age I think! I can imagine she sometimes loves and sometimes hates it!
I`ve never been a gymnast myself, but I admire the drive of all those kids and the determination with which they go through training every day!! I believe almost all gymnasts are perfectionists which can be hard to deal with but sure is a big advantage for many areas in life like school just to name an example. They will go and stive for the best in everything they do.
I wish you all the best for the upcoming year!!! And I sure can`t wait to hear about how things go on! :)

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