I know that there are some schools that will allow girls with Old L4 skills to be on their teams (even lower if they don't get 12 girls with @ least that skill level)... but that doesn't guarantee that they will compete in the meets.
Ohio GENERAL RULES (Basically L8 USAG)
-All OHSAA policies, rules and regulations shall be followed.
-Regulations and rules for competition are based on the Junior Olympic Code of Points, The Women’s Program Rules and Policies and a modified USAG Level 8-9-10 Program. Requirements and restrictions will be as published in this handbook. The OHSAA will allow the performance of any “C” “D” or “E” elements. All “C”, “D” and E elements will receive value part credit and will be eligible to fulfill special requirements for Bars, Beam and Floor Exercise. “E” elements will receive 0.20 difficulty value.
-It is recommended that no gymnast scores lower than 3.0.
Event Requirements
The OHSAA has adopted the USAG Level 9 Vault Table with OHSAA modifications.
1. Value Part Requirements: 4 “A’s” @0.10 each, 4 “B’s” @0.30 each, 0 “C” Basic Start Value - 9.7 points
2. Additive Value for Connection Value or allowable Difficulty Value = maximum 0.30 point. Maximum start value = 10.0.
3. All “B”, “C”,“D” and “E” elements are allowed.
4. Special Requirements (4 at 0.20 each) – Refer to the JO Code of Points – Level 8 Requirements
a. 1 Bar Change
b. One “B” flight element (not the dismount) or one “B” element with a direction change (not the mount or dismount)
c. A minimum of one “B” element from Groups 3, 6 or 7 – same or different
d. Minimum of “A” dismount (no dismount = -.30 deduction taken from the start value.
5. The following skills may be used in OHSAA girls gymnastics competition only with no value part.
a. Glide, single leg stoop through to stride support on low bar
b. Single leg circle forward or backward (stride circle)
c. Single leg basket swing with straight legs to finish in stride support or single leg rear lying hang (catching high bar)
d. Low bar pullover mount
e. Stem rise (from hang on HB or rear lying hang to outer front support on HB)
f. Counterswing (in hang on HB) forward and back to stand or squat stand on low bar
g. Front support on low bar, underswing to stand; also with 1/2 turn or full turn (less than “A”, may be considered a dismount) {-.20 for no “A”, but not -.30 for having no dismount}
h. Horizontal cast will be allowed for counting skills, but appropriate deductions will be taken.
i. Low bar underswing dismount
j. From standing on the low bar, jump and pull over the high bar
1. Value Part Requirements: 4 “A’s” @0.10 each, 4 “B’s” @0.30 each 0 “C”
2. Basic Start Value - 9.7 points
3. Additive Value for Connection Value or allowable Difficulty Value = maximum 0.30 point. Maximum start value = 10.0 points; Value Parts of “A”, “B”, “C”,“D” and “E” elements are allowed.
4. Special Requirements (4 at 0.20 each) – Refer to JO Code of Points- Level 8
a . Acro series of 2 or more elements only one of which must have flight
b. One leap or jump requiring a 180º split
c. Minimum of 1/1 (360º) turn or more on one foot
d. Minimum of “A” dismount – aerial or salto is required; no dismount = -0.3 deduction taken from the start value
1. Value Part Requirements: 4 “A’s” @0.10 each, 4 “B’s” @0.30 each , 0 “C”
2. Basic Start Value - 9.7 points
3. Additive Value for Connection Value or allowable Difficulty Value = maximum 0.30 point. Value Parts of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” elements are allowed. Maximum start value = 10.0.
4. Special Requirements (4 at 0.20 each) Refer to JO Code of Points – Level 8
a. Acro series with 2 saltos or 2 directly connected saltos (the saltos may be the same or different)
b. Three different saltos within the exercise
c. Dance passage with two different elements from Group 1 (directly or indirectly connected) – one a leap with 180 degrees cross or side split
d. Minimum of “A” salto performed as last isolated salto or in the last salto connection
5. Lack of minimum of “B” salto -.30