I appreciate what you are saying, and maybe in some cases this is correct. In our case, my dd's coaches spend the majority of the time in the gym working on strength, conditioning and flexibility. They only spend about 14 minutes on power tumbling. I have watched how they work and I trust them. I don't understand about "throwing"?? not sure what that means. I can tell you that my little one would have done it with or without their help... she can not be forced into anything, but if she wants it, she figures it out. She has her basics and they teach them to do everything correctly. The coaches require certain skills before they even approach more difficult ones, Strong long hang pullover straight legs and then forward, then repeat
5 times , and then be able to hold L for 10 seconds, hold with legs up for 10 seconds and then hold upside down for 10 seconds. this is just one example of their requirements... My dd is probably a little strong naturally ( i believe some are born this way) + for whatever reason on top of her gym time she trains herself at home - without even realizing it... she has made a game of how many handstands she can do in a push up position and many other things that I laugh at because she just does not realize she is working

, she even taught herself her press to handstand, straight arms from a straddle L. I think this takes some strength and control right?
I am sure your girls are all very talented, but too much time can sometimes hurt as much as not enough time I would think... and being a new program
perhaps you don't know the long term effects of your situation either... as a parent you always pray you make the right decisions for your little ones. I am learning and I really got a chance to vent here yesterday which was wonderful - this is a really great board

I do worry sometimes becaiuse I know so little about the sport, but I am learning as we go and as long as my little one is happy, then we are good
I did speak to the coaches yesterday and said no to the privates and they were very understanding... Right now she is excited to get to the gym and I want it to stay that way.
Thanks to all who responded... every child IS a case by case.... but opinions - all of them - do matter and it all just helps make better informed decisions.