How many hours do you train?

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Oct 22, 2011
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Currently, my level 4 daughter trains Tuesday 4-7:30 and Thursday and Friday 4-7. My level 5 trains Monday and Wednesday 5-8:30, Friday 4-7, and Saturday 9-12. My level 7 trains Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 5-8:30 and Saturday 9-12. In total: Level 4: 9 1/2 hours. Level 5: 13 hours. Level 7: 13 1/2. Is this too much? How many hours do you train?
That seems like it's on the low end of what we do around here. Here it's 12 hrs/week for both level 4 and level and 19 hrs/week for level 7 (25-30 hrs over the summer).
At our gym, our lower level gymnasts train 6 hours a week and our higher level gymnasts train 11-12 hours a week. I imagine it's quite the jump, though ever since I've been on team I've trained at least 11 hours a week and I now train 12.

If any gymnasts make it to Atlantics (top 6 in Provincials) or Easterns (top three in Provincials or Atlantics) they do additional training in the morning before school (eek!) and on the days they normally don't train.
I am a level eight and i go 30 hors a week (five hours a day for 6 days a week) but when I was a level 7 I only went 25 hours a week, and my little sister is a level five and only traines 20 hours a week. oh and the level 4 team at my gym only go 20 hours also. Hope this helped
those are reasonable hours. and as they do more they will require more hours.
I am a level eight and i go 30 hors a week (five hours a day for 6 days a week) but when I was a level 7 I only went 25 hours a week, and my little sister is a level five and only traines 20 hours a week. oh and the level 4 team at my gym only go 20 hours also. Hope this helped

Whow! From the very earliest competitive level, kids are training 20 hours? Kids in grade 1 and 2 do those hours? The max. In our gym is 25 hours and those kids are competing internationally.

Gymnastics Canada has a document on their site about appropriate hours for different ages. Link Removed The document is about long term development of gymnasts. My 6 year old does 9 hours, and that exceeds the recommended training hours. I was very impressed by this document when I came across it, but it seems that actual practice is very different from this document. I am curious what some of the more BTDT parents and coaches who have watched kids train for much longer hours over many years think of it? Sensible? Unrealistic?
I am in level 5 and we train monday, tuesday, thursday friday from 4-8 (16 hours a week)
I am a level eight and i go 30 hors a week (five hours a day for 6 days a week) but when I was a level 7 I only went 25 hours a week, and my little sister is a level five and only traines 20 hours a week. oh and the level 4 team at my gym only go 20 hours also. Hope this helped

I agree with the previous poster...that's A LOT of hours!! 20 hours for a Level 4?? My DD was 7 when she was a Level 4!!

As to the original poster, your hours sound about right. My DD is Level 5 and does 11 hours. All optionals at our gym do 12 hours, with an additional 3 hours optional for them.
level 6 and I train 10 but most of my team train 13
Level 5 dd trains 10hrs 7yrs old .." has all major skills but not absolutely polished but very happy in the sport.with low attrition on team

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