My name is Justin and hope things are going well for all of you. I am
not a former gymnast or anyting but I do enjoy gymnastic conditioning
and have been doing it for about a year. There are six goals that I
want to achieve, some being short and some being long term. They are:
ring HS, straddle L press HS, L-sit press HS, straddle planche, iron
cross, and full range of motion handstand pushup. If you can, could
anyone provide me with some effective exercises and programming ideas
that would not overtrain me considering most of these are pressing
skills. My current strength looks something like this: 3 free standing handstand
pushups on the ground, three standing straddle press HS, standing pike
press to HS, full BL, straddle FL, bent arm L-sit press to handstand
on rings, tuck planche for 25 seconds, and I guess probably 8 or so
muscle ups on rings. I understand this is a bit of a hefty request but I would be very grateful for any kind of help. This summer, I plan to workout on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays if this helps organize anyone's thoughts. Also, If I need to go into
further detail on some things I'd be glad to. God bless guys.
not a former gymnast or anyting but I do enjoy gymnastic conditioning
and have been doing it for about a year. There are six goals that I
want to achieve, some being short and some being long term. They are:
ring HS, straddle L press HS, L-sit press HS, straddle planche, iron
cross, and full range of motion handstand pushup. If you can, could
anyone provide me with some effective exercises and programming ideas
that would not overtrain me considering most of these are pressing
skills. My current strength looks something like this: 3 free standing handstand
pushups on the ground, three standing straddle press HS, standing pike
press to HS, full BL, straddle FL, bent arm L-sit press to handstand
on rings, tuck planche for 25 seconds, and I guess probably 8 or so
muscle ups on rings. I understand this is a bit of a hefty request but I would be very grateful for any kind of help. This summer, I plan to workout on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays if this helps organize anyone's thoughts. Also, If I need to go into
further detail on some things I'd be glad to. God bless guys.