How to become a coach and open up a gym?

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I'm only 13 right now, almost 14. But I want to major in business management and move to Boulder, CO or Colorado Springs and open up a gymnastics or tumbling gym. Is it possible or should I aim for a different career? I set my highschool classes for business marketing and management. I heard I'll have to major in physical education to be a coach too. Is that true? What do I have to do? I couldn't post it in coaches forum because I'm not a coach.

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Do the business major, experience as much gymnastics you can along the way by being a gymnast, then an instructor, and then a coach. Learn as much as you can about the human body and what tools are available to it to make gymnastics happen..... like muscle development, skeletal development, how the body works with the brain to make things happen, and psychology to understand what makes us tick as functioning athletes.

Learn to understand that that you'll never know enough because you can't know everything...... especially if you think you do.

Save lots of money, you're gonna need it.
1. You do not need to be a PE major to be a coach. Of course, it couldn't hurt. Kinesiology, biomechanics, etc.

A thought it is to make your money in another career and then switch to buying a gymnastics gym at some point.

Coaches don't make squat unless they coach in a collegiate program or own the gym. You'll have to do something on the side to save up that cash somehow. Investments unless you can cajole a bunch of parents to basically support you to open up a gym for you. This is generally only done by coaches who breakaway from a gym when they are a Head Coach. Marry someone rich or hit it big gambling.
I want to own a tumbling gym first. Make some money and eventually add in the gymnastics apparatuses. But for awhile I want to open up my own tumbling gym. My old tumbling coach did that and she wasn't rich.

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