Sorry for the confusion on the thread title - I was trying to be a bit more polite.
Thanks for the info on the ropes. It was a highly discussed topic by parents for a bit and it's nice to have an alternate perspective as we're all new to the team experience.
And the "loudness" is not necessarily the biggest issue. The issue is a lack of positive reinforcement - it is all negative, and THAT is what is loud. They never hear "nice try" or "good improvement", they hear what is wrong constantly. Now, I understand that corrections go along with the sport - it's just not happening in a way which I am comfortable with, particularly with such young girls that are relatively new to the sport. I mean, DD is very close to getting a beautiful BHC. She has it now, but bends her elbows as she reaches the top of the bar. Coach growled in frustration, scrunched her face and yelled at DD that she "just needs to get it, JUST STOP BENDING YOUR ARMS!" This seems more out of frustration than being an actual correction. I get it that she's passionate, but that seems a little over the top.
This is especially hurtful as it relates to my DD, as she beats herself up WITHOUT help from coach in that regard.

She's a bit on the serious side when it comes to gym.
One gym took a look at her today, but they weren't sure where to put her. They don't want her in rec, but she isn't quite where their 3's are yet (they will compete in fall). I have to take her back next week to meet with a different coach to get her input. She saw what we see - what she can do is done very well... DD is a perfectionist - but some skills just plain haven't been introduced quite yet. She said "I just wanted to start showing your DD this stuff to she what she could do with it!!". Apparently there's some "other" team coach they want to check her out at the gym. My husband actually took her, so the info I am getting is second-hand from a male.

So, not so detailed. Will call them tomorrow to set up that appointment.
DD's former rec coach just took a position at this particular gym (along with her DD) and she was actually there while DD was. It was helpful for the coaches there to get her coaching perspective on my DD, as well as some validation of where DD has been.

It was also great to hear positive things about the gym, particularly in regard to my specific concerns - it's the reason this coach pulled her daughter and quit her own job! She'd been there over 10 years! Wow!
So, still waiting to know for sure where's she going, but I think she WILL be going somewhere! Even if it's to ballet class (mostly joking).
Thanks again. Your support here is absolutely amazing!