Parents Ice skating party

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Nov 2, 2011
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My DD has been invited to an ice-skating party on Saturday. The problem though, is that she has Nationals in 12 days time! Am obviously worried about broken arms, cut fingers etc etc...... Am curious to know what other Mom's would do - to let her go or not? It is one of her gym friends birthdays - this girl is not competing next weekend.
If nationals is as big of a deal there as out is in America, I'd say no go!

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That's my feeling too! Basically end of the season meet and if all goes well could qualify to compete internationally (Within Africa).....
If it was me, I would not let my own dd go ice skating 12 days before Nationals! She could possibly go the party and not ice skate, but that probably wouldn't be much fun. Tell her you'll take her and her friend ice skating again after Nationals or plan some other fun outing.
Have her go for the cake and ice cream part.
What does your daughter want to do? If she is in the double digits I would sit her down and help her make a pro / con list. She might surprise you and after you guys look at the list and discuss.
absolutely no way no how! Yes on the cake and ice cream and a big NO WAY on the skating (this comes from the mom of a naturally not-so-graceful gymnast) ;)
My son was invited to go ice skating earlier this year and I declined for him. (Based on previous ice/roller skating attempts). Feeling guilty I mentioned it to him and he immediately said "Doesn't she know I can't do that right now? States is less than a month away! Plus it's too dangerous!"
Depending on how good of a skater she is.

A few years back, my older DD went to a skating party. She was a gymnast and very good skater (over 10 years, since toddler days). A kid crashed into her, she face planted and had it not been for her braces, she would've lost a few teeth on the ice! She ended up with loose teeth and a fat lip! You can be the best skater but it just takes one other person to ruin your day!
Yeah....I put the kibosh on that for my DD too. She is a dreadful skater and it was about 2 weeks before her first meet so I just said no. We participated in the games, cake, ice cream part of the party...she was fine with it.
Thankfully DD is quite level-headed and agreed right away that it's not a good idea! So cake + ice-cream it will be :) And she is a terrible skater, so a great decision!!

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