I think yes, however I would have not switched gyms and I would have "encouraged" her to stop after 5th grade. We switched gyms thinking it would propel our "super talented" kid towards better coaching and a college future. I bought into the crazy. Moving gyms moved us out of our home base town, and FURTHER isolated my kid from her school friends and our community. Stopping before fall of 7th grade had us scrambling to find something to do as it was too late for school sports. SO many of the school kids have a "crew", where mine is almost like starting a new school.
HOWEVER...what gymnastics gave her is confidence so she isn't sweating not being part of any group just yet. She has enjoyed her time off and is excited for track and competition cheer. I'm the one who had more of the problem of realizing how very OUT of the loop she is with her school peeps. But it will work out.
Sorry for long answer, but I was thinking and typing. Bottom line, yes we'd do it again because she's super physically strong (at our local gym everyone thinks she's a cross-fit person with her pullups and handstand holds ;-)) and in some aspects mentally strong (I think years of gymnastics also kind of did a number on her "head" game in a way but that is a whole other post

) She's a strong student, and maybe it's best she isn't part of any "crew" as middle school kids can be jerks (no worries, mine can be a jerk too...just a general observation). I'd just stop it sooner, and not have gone through the drama of changing gyms and towns. I would have told my former self to simmer down and that there are a LOT of "talented" kids out there in levels 3, 4, 6 and 7 and to not have stars in my eyes when coaches tell you your kid has college potential. I'm embarrassed to even type that. And to tell my former self to keep my kid in gymnastics for the strength aspect to get her ready for other school and lifetime sports.
Disclaimer: These are JUST my opinions and experiences. As with all of us, every situation is different. I don't like to have regrets, so I like just to think, like the Bob Ross "happy little trees" guy says, there aren't mistakes, just "happy little accidents"

My husband and I are LOVING the family time we have back. The family running we are all doing. The family trips. And the dinners together ....So, it's all good. Life is a marathon not a sprint. I'm sure I'd like to tell my former self all kinds of things....
Great posts everyone!