I would have to say in the end, yes I would do it all over again. There have been great times when you see your happy child atop the podium and there have been bad times struggling to come back from injuries. There has been pressure and worry, missed social opportunities, not nice girls/coaches, but there has also been lifelong friendships, wonderful coaches and learning and lessons beyond measure. But the real reason I would do this over a million times, is because this sport is her passion in a way that I know nothing else could ever come close. I am in awe of her having a passion for something far greater than I ever had for anything. It has led to some pretty amazing achievements. We are still on the crazy ride and you don’t get to relax in college gym either. But even on the craziest days, I’m glad I registered her for that rec class all those years ago, even if I had no idea what a momentous thing that was at the time.