I have a problem with IGC and their sudden concern----where was the calling out and concern in the past? They are so vocal now because it is suddenly in the spotlight, but where were they before everyone jumped on the bandwagon. I find their timing to be too easy. The abuse by Nassar was known years ago, the training ways have been observed for decades, yet NOW they want to shame USAG and make all these changes? I just feel if they were as concerned as they are acting now, they should have spoken up before.
Now they are spearheading a campaign to make shorts required for competitions? How about letting gym owners and gymnasts do what they want as far as uniforms? It's IGC's camp, they can do what they want, they just need to understand that a lot of people won't be happy about it.
I get what you're saying, and really I have no ties or specific knowledge of IGC or their policies other than going to camp their for a week 20 years ago. However, I do feel based on what I have seen that they deeply desire change within the sport. They were one of the first sponsors to drop USAG and demand change as all of this broke. And I'm not sure they did know about all of this for years. While they sponsored USAG events, other than inviting current and former athletes to their camp as guest coaches, I'm not entirely sure they had much interaction with the national team staff or the inner workings of USAG. But really, I don't know that. I just know that, with the information I have, I don't have any reason to believe they are acting in any way other than in the best interest of children. And I could absolutely be wrong. I'm not in any kind of inner circle, I don't know any of the people involved, and probably I'm just trying to be optimistic that good things are about to happen.
As I said earlier, I think this particular call on their part is short sighted and misses the mark. I think it is completely appropriate to contact them and let them know about concerns and how this appears to those of us on the outside. I think matters like this, especially at this time, need to be discussed. But, I also worry that vilifying people, places, and organizations that are attempting to advocate for change will only slow progress in the grand scheme of things.
I expect to see all kinds of things, some good and some perhaps a little misguided, coming from people, gyms, and others involved in the sport in the coming months- all coming from a good place of sincerely desiring to protect children- which I think is great. It shows that people care and are trying. There will need to be lots of discussions about what works, what doesn't, what kind of message each proposed idea sends and I think that is great and something that absolutely needs to happen. But I also think that charging full speed ahead at anyone who makes a suggestion we don't agree with or see in a different way will just discourage people from trying at all and I really don't want that.
(GAGymmom- this is absolutely not all directed to you, just some thoughts I've had brewing for a while and just sort of spilled here)