WAG I'm Certain This Is A Gymnast

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I recognize that kid. My 3 year old is the same way. I'm not the same kind of parent, but if I videotaped a typical day in our household most people would think I'm doing something wrong too. There's no controlling a child with that kind of fire (and verbal & cognitive ability to back it up). You just pick your battles, and choose very carefully when to die on your sword. If my older child were like that, she would be an only child.
i also have a feeing she let it go on a little longer for the sake of the video she was making.
i thought it was both funny and cute! he had some pretty solid logic but just couldn't quite explain it. lol.
I recognize that kid. My 3 year old is the same way. I'm not the same kind of parent, but if I videotaped a typical day in our household most people would think I'm doing something wrong too. There's no controlling a child with that kind of fire (and verbal & cognitive ability to back it up). You just pick your battles, and choose very carefully when to die on your sword. If my older child were like that, she would be an only child.

Yes. My oldest is so agreeable I often don't know what he really wants, but my youngest has opinions that are made known to all who will listen. The key for the adult is knowing when to disengage, but it can be so tempting to argue back with him. It's almost as if he's the son of two attorneys. ;)
I think one of the problems with America's funniest home videos, youtube and FB is that parents get into passively encouraging this kind of stuff to record it for laughs.

It does nothing for me. One persons cute is another's spoiled brat. Kids are not the centre of the universe, they are a tiny part of it.
Well I guess I fall into the category of finding the video annoying. That conversation would have been much more brief at my house. My daughter has always been a big negotiater (versus the do it and see if you get caught type), however, sometimes time outs were the right thing to do. I also am not a spanker/ butt swatter, but I guess everyone is different.. I have some friends who have never gave (or have given) their kids a single timeout, and instead endlessly talk and talk and say there is always more than one side to everything, and that they should discuss everyone's feelings and perspective for a "teachable moment." That doesn't work for my home. I fall more along the lines of, once in when kids act naughty they need to be told it was naughty, given a consequence, asked to apologize and move on. I frankly don't usually care what the reason is that a kid kicked or hit a smaller kid, or stole something, or were a mean bully to some other kid, or did something dangerous they know they weren't supposed to, and I don't want to hear their 15 excuses..... not interested. Yeah, I know I wouldn't make a good school counseler because they just love talking it out and given every kid ten opportunities to explain why they acted like a jerk. I would not have the patience for it.
Kids need to adapt to the world, not the other way around.

I like that, reminds of the line in a parenting article recently (posted here perhaps) 'prepare your child for the road ahead, not the road for your child'
I am a benevolent dictator in my home, and I do not care who thinks it is wrong.

Kids need to adapt to the world, not the other way around.
The thing with this video is that they weren't at MOM's home. They were at GRANDMA's house. The child DID adapt to the world... Grandma's house = Grandma's rules ;)
The thing with this video is that they weren't at MOM's home. They were at GRANDMA's house. The child DID adapt to the world... Grandma's house = Grandma's rules ;)

Still would not wash with me. Just not that kind of parent.

Would not spank him either, not that kind of parent either.

But no means no, conversation would have been closed down right at the start and definitely would not be a video of any kind.

Kids asked for a cupcake, mom said no, kids went behind moms back and asked grandma. That would have been a big issue.
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Telling Mom that he doesn't have to listen because they are in Grandma's house is totally DISRESPECTFUL and while I would not smack my kid, I would really want to...lol... he/she would be in timeout! This behavior is not cute at all.
Kids asked for a cupcake, mom said no, kids went behind moms back and asked grandma. That would have been a big issue.

So that's what it was all about? I must admit I couldn't make head or tail of what he was on about. Just sounded like a lot of whiny noise to me.
I think he was saying he should be allowed cupcakes before dinner because they were at Grandama's. . I got that more from the discussion than from the actual rant.
because it's not my kid, I find it funny as heck. Had it been my child, this discussion would have been very short and ended in disappointment for them. Both of my kids love to negotiate. I also love to negotiate (I'm a Realtor afterall). However, I have to give this little guy credit for not whining/crying or acting out. He was very rational and quite articulate for a kid his age!
OMG,that was like the cutest video of a baby/toddler, I think it just made my day :). But enjoy it well you can!

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