Well I guess I fall into the category of finding the video annoying. That conversation would have been much more brief at my house. My daughter has always been a big negotiater (versus the do it and see if you get caught type), however, sometimes time outs were the right thing to do. I also am not a spanker/ butt swatter, but I guess everyone is different.. I have some friends who have never gave (or have given) their kids a single timeout, and instead endlessly talk and talk and say there is always more than one side to everything, and that they should discuss everyone's feelings and perspective for a "teachable moment." That doesn't work for my home. I fall more along the lines of, once in when kids act naughty they need to be told it was naughty, given a consequence, asked to apologize and move on. I frankly don't usually care what the reason is that a kid kicked or hit a smaller kid, or stole something, or were a mean bully to some other kid, or did something dangerous they know they weren't supposed to, and I don't want to hear their 15 excuses..... not interested. Yeah, I know I wouldn't make a good school counseler because they just love talking it out and given every kid ten opportunities to explain why they acted like a jerk. I would not have the patience for it.