Parents I'm look for shorts that are similar to velvet gk elite shorts

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May 23, 2012
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Hi! I hope this is in the right spot, I can't get the hang of this forum! Anyway, my 4 year old is obsessed with her super short "bar shorts". She has sturdy legs and I think being so short they are comfortable. The issue is she wants to wear them everyday as regular wear and they are just too pricey for playwear. Does anyone know where I can buy inexpensive yoga shorts in either kids or toddler sizes. She is between a size 3 and 4 depending on the brand! I did a quick peek in target and kohl's while I was doing some shopping but didn't see anything. Thanks for looking!
I found some yoga shorts at JCPenney that are cute and would possibly fit the bill. They had them in 4-6x as well as 7-14. My 4 and 6 year old are both in that size 3-4 stage as well so I understand completely.

Hi! I hope this is in the right spot, I can't get the hang of this forum! Anyway, my 4 year old is obsessed with her super short "bar shorts". She has sturdy legs and I think being so short they are comfortable. The issue is she wants to wear them everyday as regular wear and they are just too pricey for playwear. Does anyone know where I can buy inexpensive yoga shorts in either kids or toddler sizes. She is between a size 3 and 4 depending on the brand! I did a quick peek in target and kohl's while I was doing some shopping but didn't see anything. Thanks for looking!
Didn't even think to check there. Thanks so much! I think there is probably a little more leeway with yoga shorts as far as size goes bc they are stretchy.
I've been on this site for ages, and right now I can't make any sense of it either! Can't find my way to the private forums or anything. Hopefully things will be "back to normal" after the olympics.

I recommend Melody Leotards so often that Mel needs to start giving me a commission. She's recently started selling shorts and they're much more affordable than other gym shorts. Her stuff wears really well too (though we haven't bought shorts from her yet) so I would imagine they would stand up to play. May be a bit short for preschool though (if she goes). Link Removed
Shipping is super-cheap and Mel will help you with the sizing if you're not sure.

My DD doesn't wear shorts for gym (because she doesn't want to... not because they aren't allowed) but for every-day wear she only wants long shorts. And they have to be stretchy, like made out of sweat-pants material or yoga pants material (though not form-fitting). Longer shorts are apparently just not "in" this season, because I have a devil of a time finding them. During the colder months, it's all sweat pants/yoga pants, all the time. I don't even know if I'll buy her jeans this fall because they just hang in her closet unworn. What we mothers won't do for our kiddos, eh? I wonder if Mel can make her shorts longer? I'll have to check with her before next summer.
Thanks! I have been wanting to try her leotards fo awhile actually, maybe now I have an excuse. Preschool isn't an issue bc she prefers to wear dresses. She has two personalities, athlete in short shorts and oversized shirts or complete girly, pink head to toe with all the accessories

I went on JC Penney and it looked like they had some kneelength sweatpant type shorts if you want to check that out.
All About Dance . com (all together) has a lot of different short styles for the little gymmies, and they have free shipping on any order. :-)
Thanks! I have been wanting to try her leotards fo awhile actually, maybe now I have an excuse. Preschool isn't an issue bc she prefers to wear dresses. She has two personalities, athlete in short shorts and oversized shirts or complete girly, pink head to toe with all the accessories

I went on JC Penney and it looked like they had some kneelength sweatpant type shorts if you want to check that out.

Sounds like you have both my twins rolled into one kid... I have the sweatpants-wearing gymnasts and the skirt/dress wearing dancer. I kept thinking my dancer would outgrow the skirt thing ( started when she was 2) but now she's 11 and going into 6th grade... Still doesn't own a single pair of pants!

Thanks for the JCP recommendation!
Sounds like you have both my twins rolled into one kid... I have the sweatpants-wearing gymnasts and the skirt/dress wearing dancer. I kept thinking my dancer would outgrow the skirt thing ( started when she was 2) but now she's 11 and going into 6th grade... Still doesn't own a single pair of pants!

Thanks for the JCP recommendation!

It was funny since I had just gone to check for yoga shorts! I think my Bean likes the dresses bc she doesn't really like anything constricting that she can't move in (bc she MOVES constantly). Most days we fight about leotards not being appropriate for every day wear. Thanks for all the suggestions, I am sure with all these I will definitely be able to find something. I just can't justify $25 shorts for her to play in! I don't mind buying them for the gym but not just for play
I also really like discount leotards site for shorts and leos. Their shorts are a lot more reasonably priced than GK and they have a lot of different colored velvet shorts, as well as mystique, lycra, rhinestones, etc... My DD has VERY "sturdy" legs and I never let her out of the house in her gym shorts unless she's going to practice. She wanted to ride her bike in her leo the other day, so I also have the "appropriateness" conversation - a lot! The longer she stays in the sport and the more muscular she gets, the more she will only wear sweats, soffee shorts and yoga pants. Soffee shorts (they sell them at sporting goods stores and lots of department stores) are also a good bet for your gymmie to wear and they aren't as clingy. She says most jeans/jean shorts are just too tight in the legs. And, of course, jeans/jean shorts prevent you from being able to drop into a full split at a moments notice ;) Hope this helps!
I also really like discount leotards site for shorts and leos. Their shorts are a lot more reasonably priced than GK and they have a lot of different colored velvet shorts, as well as mystique, lycra, rhinestones, etc... My DD has VERY "sturdy" legs and I never let her out of the house in her gym shorts unless she's going to practice. She wanted to ride her bike in her leo the other day, so I also have the "appropriateness" conversation - a lot! The longer she stays in the sport and the more muscular she gets, the more she will only wear sweats, soffee shorts and yoga pants. Soffee shorts (they sell them at sporting goods stores and lots of department stores) are also a good bet for your gymmie to wear and they aren't as clingy. She says most jeans/jean shorts are just too tight in the legs. And, of course, jeans/jean shorts prevent you from being able to drop into a full split at a moments notice ;) Hope this helps!

Some kids definitely pack on the muscle in this sport! Bean has always had sturdy thighs but she has teeny hips and waist. It makes my life so easy! Her legs are also miles long. Thank goodness she likes to wear dresses so much or I am pretty sure we would never leave the house.
The Children's Place sold some nice "bar shorts" late spring. I ended up getting DD several pairs in her current size and the next size up (she will then outgrow TCP ... sniff). She wears them for everything; gym class, play, ballet class, etc. Might want to call a TCP if they are close to you and see if they have any left. They were called "cartwheel shorts".
Discount dance supply has some great shorts that are inexpensive and very similar to GK (they are not velvet, but are cut the same and are very, very comfortable--at least according to my daughter.)

Child Booty Short - Style #N8365C at Discount Dance Supply

There are other styles as well and they might be in velvet...just go to the main page and search "shorts".
There's just something wrong with the name "child booty shorts." ;)
My girls (one gymnast, one not) wear Soffi shorts for play. They are way less expensive, and they look less like "booty" shorts. They both roll them at the waist.
Thanks everyone! I stopped into penney's today and found some really cute yoga shorts for her for $6. They will do the trick nicely! They started at 4 and went to 16 in case anyone else was looking

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