Coaches Injuries to Coaches from your gymnasts.

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Proud Parent
I've tried searching the forum, but google fu must be a bit weak.

Just got out of hospital and now I'm on blood thinners and thus prone to bruising, etc.

When it comes to coaching, how many of you have had injuries from your gymnasts while coaching. What's the worst that you've had?

Don't want to have to give up this even before I've started (I'm probably over reacting, but just want to hear the war stories).
I definitely had a concussion from getting kicked in the head. My overprotective husband made me a spotting hat, which is a reinforced baseball hat. He thinks I wear it...I'm just more careful these days.
I've gotten a bloody nose twice, and a broken thumb once. Bruises and muscle strains fairly frequently.
I've tried searching the forum, but google fu must be a bit weak.

Just got out of hospital and now I'm on blood thinners and thus prone to bruising, etc.

When it comes to coaching, how many of you have had injuries from your gymnasts while coaching. What's the worst that you've had?

Don't want to have to give up this even before I've started (I'm probably over reacting, but just want to hear the war stories).

I have had a mild concussion, a dislocated + sprained thumb and a sprained ankle. Plus several kicks to the chest and whatever. A coaching friend of mine broke her nose.
Elbows and knees to the face, hit or kicked in the crotch, broken finger or two, rolled ankles, pulled muscle in my neck and I’ve been bitten. All of them were accidents or happenstance except for the last and one particularly difficult five year who kicked me in the face and called me a *****.
Separated shoulder, tendinitis in elbow from overuse, kicked in the jaw, rolled ankles. That said, I have a suspected connective tissue disorder, so I'm more susceptible to this stuff than most.
We have had a coach get a concussion.
Another coach threw her back out.
Another suffered a zygomatic fracture and broken nose. When she came back after recovering, she had to wear a face guard.

In addition to the above, we have had coaches suffer from bruises, bloody noses, strains, sprains, and a couple of dislocations.
Black eyes a few times, had the wind knocked out of me twice, lots of bruises, I get tendonitis in my shoulder every season, and there's something going on in my wrist that no longer goes away in the offseason. I've started devoting more time and energy to putting on spotting clinics these days in the hopes of putting myself out of a job!!
Smacked in the face on a BHS... not really much else though.

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