You just said everything I have been feeling since my daughter started gymnastics! My dd started in a class for fun then the coaches moved her up to the advanced class(she was ten, she is now twelve) then asked her to try out for team. Like you I dont think my dd is the best I have seen better even at out own gym, girls who have been there since birth

. Anyway, she tried out for team and the coaches put her right into level 5 she won state championship all-around and bars champion . Boy was I surprised! She scored out of level 6 after one meet and is now on level 7 doing well. Let me tell you, some of those parents can be pretty brutal!!! After a meet they will not even look at my daughter, they r just little girls for goodness sake! The hardest part is when they are nice to your face but after a meet if my daughter scores higher(some are not even in the same age group) they will not even look at me! I always try to tell all the girls on the team "great job" and make sure my dd is not getting jealous or anything, to me her character development and testimony as a Christian is more important. There have been times I wish we had not even gone to that first class. But really this is about how people are declining in our society, people are becoming truly unloving and only care about themselves. I feel bad for their daughters really, because what happens if they decide they do not want to do gymnastics anymore? We actually have parents who have already decided what colleges their dd's are going to and hoping for a scholarship and talking about recruiters and the girls are only 9 and 10 years old! It is like Tu-tus and tiara's! I am so glad someone else feels exactly the way I do, you said it all!! I also have a 16 year old dd who is one Mason Dixon, which is a rec league gymnastics program and it is awsome, very laid back and non-competitive. The girls go to meets with USAG judges but we have tons of fun and the girls love it! Take care and God bless!