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She makes me feel inadequate every time I watch.
And enough about the "organic" food already! How many times do we have to hear it???
i love that show! that family is amazing! i give them major props for all they do! all the kids are adorable! :)
I try to watch it every week.. Mady is my favorite because I cant wait to hear what she says next! I have a Maddy.. and their attitudes are pretty similar let me tell you!

Kate does drive me nuts sometimes. I want to just say "Let them be KIDS!" My kids are not always perfectly dressed and clean.. let them get dirty, sticky, messy.. and stop yelling at Jon all the time! LOL
we dont have this show in England - can someone tell me what it is all about please?
we dont have this show in England - can someone tell me what it is all about please?

This show is about a family of 10 & their lives. Jon is the husband, Kate the mom. Tbere are a set if twins - Cara and Maddy and then the ***tuplets - Aiden, Collin, Joel, Alexis, Hannah and Leah.

It is quite a cute show. I often feel sorry for Jon because of the way Kate treats him - she is usually yelling at him, angry that he is not doing things her way or the dropping everything else to do her bidding, she also talks down to him and puts him down alot. I often have to turn off the show because of Kate's behaviors - she is a control freak, a germ-aphobe. She is always fussing about the kids getting dirty, etc.

The ***tuplets are adorable! They are 4 now. I love Aiden, Joel and Alexis. Maddy - 1 of the twins is really a bit bratty and gets away with too much - but at some point they will realize this.

Hmmm, how about "Nanny 911" visits "Jon and Kate Plus 8".
I love nanny 911 and supernanny. Nanny Jo and Nanny Stella are my favourites. Your John and Kate thing sounds good
We love the show. Kate does go off the deep end now and then. Jon seems to be sticking up for himself more in the newer episodes. I wonder if Kate would feel the need to be as controlling if the cameras weren't there or perhaps she would be worse?

Once they are all in school, Kate will be able to clean all day and maybe that will help.LOL
Can you imagine trying to keep up with all those assignments.
Did anyone notice on one of the episodes that Leah was wearing a little purple leotard??
I did love this show...

than Kate ruined it for me. I think the children are absolutely adorable. My only beef would be that I feel so sorry for Cara. It's like she's invisible. Everything is about keeping Mady happy. Helllllooooo-she has a twin! I just want to send her to her room everytime I see her on the show. She's spoiled and bratty.
And John is adorable. He does the best that he can. He is a good guy and a good dad.

Now, on to Kate. Annoying, perfectionist and obnoxious. And how long does she actually think that she's going to be able to control the whole "organic" thing. Trust me. The kids will be sneaking stuff at school when they get out of the clutches of their controlling mom.

And, I have to say, I don't feel too sorry for Kate. They've already had more vacations in this past year than I've had in the past 5. Thanks to TLC. I am a mom of 2 that works full-time. I wish I had someone to come and do my wash, put my clothes away and iron them too.

I do think that they are adorable but sometimes it's overkill. Dare I say-pimpin' out the kids for profit? Just sayin..........:rolleyes:

I'm finished venting now. :eek:
than Kate ruined it for me. I think the children are absolutely adorable. My only beef would be that I feel so sorry for Cara. It's like she's invisible. Everything is about keeping Mady happy. Helllllooooo-she has a twin! I just want to send her to her room everytime I see her on the show. She's spoiled and bratty.
And John is adorable. He does the best that he can. He is a good guy and a good dad.

Now, on to Kate. Annoying, perfectionist and obnoxious. And how long does she actually think that she's going to be able to control the whole "organic" thing. Trust me. The kids will be sneaking stuff at school when they get out of the clutches of their controlling mom.

And, I have to say, I don't feel too sorry for Kate. They've already had more vacations in this past year than I've had in the past 5. Thanks to TLC. I am a mom of 2 that works full-time. I wish I had someone to come and do my wash, put my clothes away and iron them too.

I do think that they are adorable but sometimes it's overkill. Dare I say-pimpin' out the kids for profit? Just sayin..........:rolleyes:

I'm finished venting now. :eek:
I agree fully, and feel pretty similarly about the Duggars. Their children are NOT individuals, no matter what they say.
That is the best show ever!! The kids are all so cute!! Its also way better (in my oppinion) than the other show, Seventeen Kids and Counting...I just love how normal they all are...did you see the episode when they went to gymboree?? Kindergym isn't like that at my gym, but i thought it seemed like a great way to do it!
omg i LOVE that show
aaden is my fav probably, hes so adorable and innocent
then hannah since she acts like shes 30
Now, on to Kate. Annoying, perfectionist and obnoxious. And how long does she actually think that she's going to be able to control the whole "organic" thing. Trust me. The kids will be sneaking stuff at school when they get out of the clutches of their controlling mom.

And, I have to say, I don't feel too sorry for Kate. They've already had more vacations in this past year than I've had in the past 5. Thanks to TLC. I am a mom of 2 that works full-time. I wish I had someone to come and do my wash, put my clothes away and iron them too.

I agree and disagree
I love jon but hes not very disciplinary...i think that Kate keeps them under control to a point. But I admit that she does sometimes go overboard. When u have 8 kids, one of the parents needs to be a perfetionist or there will be chaos (or more chaos than necissary). I dont agree about the whole organic thing, because a. Its healthier to eat organic and b. If you train up a child in the way he should go, when he is older he will not depart from it. My parents are vegan, and although they never made me become vegan, they never allowed me to eat beef or pork when I was around them, but now (im 15), they give me a choice and I just dont want to eat beef or doesnt appeal to me and I know that its not healthy. I also try to eat organic whenever I can even thought that is often a little harder to do.

But i agree that I dont feel sorry for her. They get paid LOADS and even bought a HUGE beach house :eek:. They have lots of help around the house and are lucky that they only have to worry about raising their children and not about how they r going to pay their bills and stuff. It still must be hard tho..8 kids is a lot..

I LOVE the show though!

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