WAG L10 Skills

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Proud Parent
Mar 16, 2011
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Can someone tell me which of these skills are D or E?

Piked Yeager

Does a 3 tumbling series have a bonus? Bhs bhs blo? How about bhs blo blo?

Double arabian
Double layout

Does a yurchenko layout have a 10 SV?

Yurchenko layout is a 9.7 SV...

the 3 tumbling series has a .1 bonus I believe but loses .5 when the gymnast falls off on the 3rd part of series so that's something you need to nail 110 % of the time...
as far as i know, there is no "extra" bonus for doing 3 vs 2 skills. 2 bhs blo is .1 and bhs 2 blo is .2 bonus, same as a bhs/lo and lo/lo, respectively. i think the 3 acro can have a dimount though, whereas the 2 acro must both be on the beam.

tkachev is a D

i believe double lo on floor is an E.
usag has cheat sheets for requirements and bonuses on their website. It really helps me when dd starts talking the technical stuff.
4Love of Sports; Check below for the values as per the USA-G COP.

Tkachev = D
Deltchev = D
Gienger= D
Turchin (LB Gienger)=C
O'Neil (Gienger w additional 1/2 turn)= D
Jaeger (tucked or straddled)=D

Arabian = B
Double Arabian = E
Double Layout = E

Yurch Layout = 10. for Level 9
Yurch Layout = 9.7 for Level 10

1st BB series: flic/flic/lay = +.1 connection bonus (b,b,c)
2nd BB series: flic/lay/lay = +.2 connection bonus (b,c,c)

Best, SBG -
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Thanks Short Balding Guy. Much appreciated response.

Thanks all for your input as well.
Thanks Short Balding Guy. Much appreciated response.

You are welcome. The section in COP BB Chapter 4-Bonus is something that is very detailed and you can check with your gymnastics HC for common explanations of how they may apply to your DD's BB skills. Repeated skills, as you can imagine, do not help the athlete. Check with the caring coach for specifics.

You are welcome. The section in COP BB Chapter 4-Bonus is something that is very detailed and you can check with your gymnastics HC for common explanations of how they may apply to your DD's BB skills. Repeated skills, as you can imagine, do not help the athlete. Check with the caring coach for specifics.


Oh Gosh! I wish I could do as you suggest. But caring HC (and he is caring) does not coach beam at all. And he hired a beam coach that has no gymnastics experience. This is her first year coaching beam. She is a cheerleader who is still currently a member of a cheerleading squad. She studied theatre in college. The HC liked her because she has a good work ethic and commitment to learning the sport. So I could go on and on about how ineffective and sometimes dangerous her coaching/training skills are not to mention her severe lack of knowledge of skills. Needless to say it is frustrating situation and a sore subject. :-(
Oh Gosh! I wish I could do as you suggest. But caring HC (and he is caring) does not coach beam at all. And he hired a beam coach that has no gymnastics experience. This is her first year coaching beam. She is a cheerleader who is still currently a member of a cheerleading squad. She studied theatre in college. The HC liked her because she has a good work ethic and commitment to learning the sport. So I could go on and on about how ineffective and sometimes dangerous her coaching/training skills are not to mention her severe lack of knowledge of skills. Needless to say it is frustrating situation and a sore subject. :-(
Coaching L10's on beam with that resume!? I'm pretty sure that that light at the end of the tunnel is a train! Good luck and be careful....
Bhs/lay/lay is actually .3 bonus. You get .1 for the B/C connection and then .2 for the C/C connection. Page 172 in the Code explains connections of three or more elements.

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