Parents last place

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ChalkBucket may earn a commission through product links on the site. are a great role model, thank you for your post. Although DD hasn't had any mental blocks as of yet, as per CB I know eventually they will come. I will keep your positivity in the front of my mind!:) are a great role model, thank you for your post. Although DD hasn't had any mental blocks as of yet, as per CB I know eventually they will come. I will keep your positivity in the front of my mind!:)
It is hard to stay positive-- as I said, I really thought it was time to quit and I am hoping for her sake she can improve and get over the fears and blocks. thanks! are a great role model, thank you for your post. Although DD hasn't had any mental blocks as of yet, as per CB I know eventually they will come. I will keep your positivity in the front of my mind!:)

That's a very good outlook. A year ago, I had empathy for those with kids with mental blocks. But, I don't think I'd ever considered that someday it could be my own daughter. So when it happened, it was like a huge slap upside the head.
My son had at least one "last" AA place, and quite a few "last" place events last year. This year he has taken a few 1sts. Though it's nice to see a little winning in the mix now, learning to lose graciously, and finding inspiration in others who are excelling (instead of envy) has been a great lesson.

And I'm equally proud watching him no matter what he has placed - as we parents should be :D
My DD had a last place aa last night after 3 beam falls. I joked with her after the meet that her hair looked great! I got a sheepish "thanks Mom" She just turned 13. I asked her what she was most proud of. She said Highest bar score if the year. Still last. After the meet one of her little L 3 teammates came running up beaming. "You did so good, I saw you." She got a huge hug from my D. She said later that she wanted to give condolences to the parents on their daughters new blindness. It reminded me about the intangibles in this sport. Another medal would have blended in with the others. But she has a positive influence on an eight year old just beginning the sport. Congrats to yours, mine and all of the others that grow everyday in other ways not scored.
That's why I don't mind when they go out 100% in AA. Sometimes just being able to stand up there and know you've completed in the meet means so much more than the placing. Being able to compete and be at a meet should be honored, even if it means last place, celebrate the little things, and the ability to even just be there.
BUT I see that not many agree with me and dislike the 100% AA
That's why I don't mind when they go out 100% in AA. Sometimes just being able to stand up there and know you've completed in the meet means so much more than the placing. Being able to compete and be at a meet should be honored, even if it means last place, celebrate the little things, and the ability to even just be there.
BUT I see that not many agree with me and dislike the 100% AA

All of the meets we have been to have done 100% AA. This weekend we went to a meet for my level 6 and they did medals for top 3 on events, ribbons for the others in the top 60% or so. They only did AA medals for top 60% and while my daughter and others did their best they didn't get a medal. It would have been cool to get one from the Nadia meet. I felt badly for those who went away with no medals or ribbons on anything. I guess that's how it goes sometimes.
All of the meets we have been to have done 100% AA. This weekend we went to a meet for my level 6 and they did medals for top 3 on events, ribbons for the others in the top 60% or so. They only did AA medals for top 60% and while my daughter and others did their best they didn't get a medal. It would have been cool to get one from the Nadia meet. I felt badly for those who went away with no medals or ribbons on anything. I guess that's how it goes sometimes.
It is, and yes sometimes it is hard. But in the end, it has taught my child that personal performance means more than paraphernalia and place.
That's why I don't mind when they go out 100% in AA. Sometimes just being able to stand up there and know you've completed in the meet means so much more than the placing. Being able to compete and be at a meet should be honored, even if it means last place, celebrate the little things, and the ability to even just be there.
BUT I see that not many agree with me and dislike the 100% AA

As a mom of a girl who comes in last or almost last often, I can say that she hates when they go all the way out. Maybe it's because she's older, but she finds it embarrassing to be called up to stand in front of the podium in "recognition". Personally, I think they should do somewhere between top 3 and top 5 and call it a day. It actually feels better on both sides- your medals are REALLY special and if you don't have any it's no big deal because most people don't have any.
As a mom of a girl who comes in last or almost last often, I can say that she hates when they go all the way out. Maybe it's because she's older, but she finds it embarrassing to be called up to stand in front of the podium in "recognition". Personally, I think they should do somewhere between top 3 and top 5 and call it a day. It actually feels better on both sides- your medals are REALLY special and if you don't have any it's no big deal because most people don't have any.
In complete agreement with this. I love that we only place to 8th place here - medals for top 3 and ribbons for 4-8th.
As a mom of a girl who comes in last or almost last often, I can say that she hates when they go all the way out. Maybe it's because she's older, but she finds it embarrassing to be called up to stand in front of the podium in "recognition". Personally, I think they should do somewhere between top 3 and top 5 and call it a day. It actually feels better on both sides- your medals are REALLY special and if you don't have any it's no big deal because most people don't have any.
I can see that side of it. I guess I didn't think that as they become more
Competitive and older they may realize the placings more and it could be hurtful
So my DD and I discussed this a little the other day. She had a very poor showing in her "best" event. True to form she had no tears and went on to do exceptionally well in an event she has historically struggled with. After it was all over I expected her to be upset about the poor event. She told me "I know I can do better than that, but sometimes things happen. I'll do better next time. I did my best and that is what it is all about. Working hard and doing your best. Not winning all the time. I think it's better to not win all the time- that can make you lazy and make you think you are better than you really are. It's good to fail and lose too."
Can I just say how much I love this kid? :)
rjb123, I love your DDs response to her unfortunate showing on her best event and I truly love all the precious gifts that gymnastics teaches our children!!!

Big viral high fives to your girl rjb123!!
That is such a great attitude and is what it is really all about. I love her perspective.
In complete agreement with this. I love that we only place to 8th place here - medals for top 3 and ribbons for 4-8th.

I completely see the value in doing things this way. we had just never been to a meet that did things this way so it was a surprise for us. At past meets they always went all the way out for AA. I can see that most don't want to stand up there for last place. Mine has been very close to the end before.
I have always been a vocal proponent of fewer awards, medals, not everyone needs to be a winner, etc., then I had a little one who was a last placer...He has one participation medal from a meet that gave them out to everyone who didn't place in AA. I'll tell you what, he loves that thing, and sometimes even sleeps in it.
I'm rethinking all my opinions....
All of the meets we have been to have done 100% AA. This weekend we went to a meet for my level 6 and they did medals for top 3 on events, ribbons for the others in the top 60% or so. They only did AA medals for top 60% and while my daughter and others did their best they didn't get a medal. It would have been cool to get one from the Nadia meet. I felt badly for those who went away with no medals or ribbons on anything. I guess that's how it goes sometimes.

I am SO glad most meets don't go out to last place. My DD would rather have no medal at all then be called out for coming in last. I think it is hard enough in this sport when you know you are not doing well then to have everyone else know you came in last. No one really knows DD comes in last right? they know she doesn't place but would be different if she had to get called up there for a last place medal.

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