15 years and 3 gymnasts.... Leotards should never be dried in the dryer! I have tried washing every way in every kind of water: salt water, wool lite, Dreft, regular detergent, vinegar, in the sink, in the washer. If you don't do it right, they lose their lustre. Comp leos are treated like they will break, hand washed in dreft, rolled gently in a towel, patted out and hung to dry. Our current comp leo has so many stones, it weighs about 5 pounds. I can't tell you how many leos have lost their color, faded, lost their shine--and that's with careful washing and never drying. The 1 or 2 that accidentally got in the dryer? Shrunk. And you can also tell which team girls dried their leos in the dryer because their uniform just loses that shine.
I too have anxiety just thinking about putting leos in the dryer. Lycra shrinks, it's a fact. The only ones that can be dried on low are velvet ones, and they hardly make them any more. Leo washing day is about 1 time per month, set the washer on Hand Wash Cold, turn them all inside out, add barely any Dreft, wash them while staying nearby so that as soon as they're done I can take them out and hang them up so they don't sit wet any longer than they have to, because that also takes off the shine. I still don't believe that you all dry lycra spandex leos and mystique leos in the dryer and they don't shrink or fade. I know from experience that they do. Dryers are death to leotards.