Parents Leo question

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Not to cause trouble, but I just find this hard to believe. They all shrink, and the shiny comes off, and they fade. I've only accidentally put one in the dryer, and it shrunk. My daughter was not happy.

I really have no idea why I (or anyone) would lie about something like this? I assure you- the only thing that never went into the wash is my ODDs rhythmic leotards. Those are worth close to $700 and are hand painted. Artistic leos don't get special treatment around here. They're all fine and have lasted longer than they fit- and have gone on to lives with others as we give all our extras away.

Bought used, washed a ton, dried a ton, and still trucking. No issues at all. All are at least a year old, some over three.
15 years and 3 gymnasts.... Leotards should never be dried in the dryer! I have tried washing every way in every kind of water: salt water, wool lite, Dreft, regular detergent, vinegar, in the sink, in the washer. If you don't do it right, they lose their lustre. Comp leos are treated like they will break, hand washed in dreft, rolled gently in a towel, patted out and hung to dry. Our current comp leo has so many stones, it weighs about 5 pounds. I can't tell you how many leos have lost their color, faded, lost their shine--and that's with careful washing and never drying. The 1 or 2 that accidentally got in the dryer? Shrunk. And you can also tell which team girls dried their leos in the dryer because their uniform just loses that shine.

I too have anxiety just thinking about putting leos in the dryer. Lycra shrinks, it's a fact. The only ones that can be dried on low are velvet ones, and they hardly make them any more. Leo washing day is about 1 time per month, set the washer on Hand Wash Cold, turn them all inside out, add barely any Dreft, wash them while staying nearby so that as soon as they're done I can take them out and hang them up so they don't sit wet any longer than they have to, because that also takes off the shine. I still don't believe that you all dry lycra spandex leos and mystique leos in the dryer and they don't shrink or fade. I know from experience that they do. Dryers are death to leotards.
15 years and 3 gymnasts.... Leotards should never be dried in the dryer! I have tried washing every way in every kind of water: salt water, wool lite, Dreft, regular detergent, vinegar, in the sink, in the washer. If you don't do it right, they lose their lustre. Comp leos are treated like they will break, hand washed in dreft, rolled gently in a towel, patted out and hung to dry. Our current comp leo has so many stones, it weighs about 5 pounds. I can't tell you how many leos have lost their color, faded, lost their shine--and that's with careful washing and never drying. The 1 or 2 that accidentally got in the dryer? Shrunk. And you can also tell which team girls dried their leos in the dryer because their uniform just loses that shine.

I too have anxiety just thinking about putting leos in the dryer. Lycra shrinks, it's a fact. The only ones that can be dried on low are velvet ones, and they hardly make them any more. Leo washing day is about 1 time per month, set the washer on Hand Wash Cold, turn them all inside out, add barely any Dreft, wash them while staying nearby so that as soon as they're done I can take them out and hang them up so they don't sit wet any longer than they have to, because that also takes off the shine. I still don't believe that you all dry lycra spandex leos and mystique leos in the dryer and they don't shrink or fade. I know from experience that they do. Dryers are death to leotards.
11.5 years and actually 4 gymnasts (2 only part time)... leos washed on cold with All Free and Clear or similar (due to sensitivity issues), always dried in the dryer.
No shrinking. Leos still looking new or close to new years later - handed down in excellent condition.
Only shine lost from direct detergent contact or from rubbing on bars.
I guess you need a different dryer???
After watching what happened when I machine washed/dried some of dd's first leos from before she was on team, I now hand wash/hang dry all of them. It takes maybe 5 minutes. I fill up a sink with a couple squirts of Dawn and lukewarm water, soak leos for maybe 2 minutes, shake them around a little, then rinse and hang dry. No more faded leos.
Im fairly new to the gymnastics world and most of my DD's leos have been hand-me-downs from friends so far. But she needs some new ones. My other DDs are swimmers and we buy Dolfin "Uglies" for practice suits--they are cheap, comfy, and last a long time. Is there an equivalent gymnastics leo brand? Cheap, comfy and lasts for a while and possibly can handle more than a few accidental trips through the dryer?

Walmart has Leos for 10-12 dollars. My daughter uses them and they work great.
My girls both love their Plums for everyday practice. Their price point is great and they always have great sales-just bought several during their recent sale-even a couple for 12.99! They also love their GKs, KBees, Foxy's (such cute prints!!), Garlands (mesh back!), and Destira. None of them ever go in the dryer. I wash them all when I have a full load on the delicate cycle and hang to dry.
I mean.. it wasn't my question, but I've never hand-washed anything in my life either. I'm sure I could figure it out of course, but there could be tricks or techniques I'd be missing.
lol, the only time I ever hand washed anything, I hand washed a leotard, I "ruined" it - took the shine off the mystique.
I can't tell but you really have to be joking right ?
No, not kidding but maybe I should have been more specific- with leos is there a certain detergent or is it ok to just whatever I usually use in my washer? Do y'all literally scrub them or just sort of rinse them out?
No, not kidding but maybe I should have been more specific- with leos is there a certain detergent or is it ok to just whatever I usually use in my washer? Do y'all literally scrub them or just sort of rinse them out?
I use Woolite and only a little bit, with lots o cold water. Swish in water mixed with Woolite. Drain the water, rinse in lots more cold water. Lay on a towel and roll up to get the water out. Hang to dry.
Wow, well over in third world countries like the UK......

Seriously, with Leo's it's about gentle and LOADS if water. If that means your machine on a very gentle cycle go for it. My machine is usually busting full so I use a dedicated hand wash liquid, diluted in the water ( as said, not neat on the fabric) and just squeeze.

I have been known to pop them in the shower after the small person had stepped out( and before the water has drained away) and sloosh them out in there. It's not that they are dirty, just sweaty.
My dh machine washes and dries everything. I machine wash but don't put leos or booty shorts through the dryer. But honestly, when dh does, I see no difference. I am sure that over time the lustre from the leos would fade, but I haven't seen it happen yet, and I've got two gymnasts (one now former) who have been in this sport for a lot of years.
No, not kidding but maybe I should have been more specific- with leos is there a certain detergent or is it ok to just whatever I usually use in my washer? Do y'all literally scrub them or just sort of rinse them out?
Fill the sink with water, add a VERY small amount of dreft or similar detergent, or use salt water. You put the leo in the sink, and kind of push it in, then move it around with your hand, like swish-swish. Pick it up and down a little. Do not wring or twist! and no rubbing or scrubbing, just swirl it around. Drain the sink, run the cold water and rinse it under the faucet. Gently gather it together and gently squeeze the water out from top to bottom, kind of like a tube of yogurt--do not wring or twist! Then lay a doubled over towel down and lay the leo on it. Roll them both up, then squeeze the towel--no wringing! I sometimes walk on the rolled up towel. :) Then unroll and hang up the leo. It really only takes a few minutes, and should dry quickly. I've become an expert.

Most leos recommend that you do not use Woolite. I use Walmart's version of Dreft, and you only need a tiny bit. And don't use fabric softener if you machine wash because it softens whatever is holding the gems or sequins in place and they come off. (that's not from me, that's from the manufacturer, and the leo reps I've talked to at meets and Regional Congress.)
Thanks! You and one other person mentioned rolling a towel- never would have thought of that!

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