Level 10 Mom

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I am new to this site. My daughter is training to compete Level 10 this season...very exciting. We are from FL and are preparing for season. We will be attending a meet in Couer D'Alene ID and wonder if anyone has been.
She is 15, turning 16 in Nov but is only a Sophmore...late BD....She is hopeful to be able to compete in college after graduation.
Hi, and Welcome!! Congrats to you and you dd. My dd is just starting out.

I just wanted to let you know the hand print in your post is a thumbs down, I'm sure that's not what you ment.
Thanks...actually I thought it was something else. Enjoy dd while she is young...it gets pretty intense in the optional levels! We are blessed with wonderful coaching and facility (we are a Y but we have Russian coaches so we have the best of all worlds.!)
How do I change where it says Level 2? I changed my icon but it still shows thumbs down. Oh well
How do I change where it says Level 2? I changed my icon but it still shows thumbs down. Oh well

If you join a group it will change. I think it is in your profile page. I'm not sure it's been so long since I did mine I forget how I got to that page. Try clicking on your name in the "Who's here section" in the left colum.
Welcome! I just wanted to let you know that it's not too late to be starting level 10. I started level 10 my sophmore year, and I was able to make it onto a college team. Good luck to you and your daugther!
My daughter will also be competing there

She is a level 5. This is her first year competing in levels, she was rec-op before. Coeur D'Alene is BEAUTIFUL. The girls love the meet there. We are about 40 min from there. It is a good meet. Good luck to your daughter!
Welcome to the CB and best wishes to your dd. Glad to have another veteran optional parent here. This will be my daughter's 1st season as an optional(L7 or 8) and I will have alot of questions.

At our new gym there is 1 Russian coach and while my daughter is a little intimidated by her, she just loves the way all the girls who work with her look on bars, beam etc. We went to the GWGF last Feb with our former gym. They decided to take the compulsory girls to let them experience a big out of state meet. That is just a great meet---all the volunteers were very nice, all the sessions ran ON TIME and there was alot to do when you weren't competing. I think your dd will have a blast---also a top meet!
awposey - WELCOME!! I saw your dd's pics - she looks amazing!!! Hope you share her season with us... was she the state champ this last season? I am mom to 3 that love flipping around, but my youngest is my gymnast and our only girl... my boys are well into their football season, and seemed to have forgotten their few months they spent in T&T :D looking forward to hearing more about your very talented daughter :applause:
Why do you say that you have the best of both worlds with the Y and Russian coaches? What do you especially like about the Y?

(I have a 3 y/o daughter who does a gymnastics intro class at the Y now. I'm concerned about some of the things I've heard about a lack of experience and knowledge among the coaches for the older girls. I've also heard really good things, especially about the boys program. And the whole gymnastics program has had a lot of success within the Y system. Part of me knows that it's too early to worry about it--she may decide gymnastics is not for her before it ever becomes an issue. But if she does decide to continue, I don't want her learning things wrong or in an unsafe manner, and I want to know that she's in a positive environment.)
How long has your dd been a gymnast? I hope she does well!
Welcome to the CB Awposey! I just got back from Fla last Monday. Loved the surprise T-storms & heat everyday! CONGRATS to your daughter...wow...level 10 seems like a gazillion miles away for us. My daughter is attending her first meet next weekend as a level 4. I am looking forward to hearing about you & your daughter's experiences.
Oh Medic I don't live in Florida, just visiting relatives. We were outside Ocala in Williston, which is beautiful, but I'm a city girl and it felt like we were camping the whole time, LOL.

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