WAG Level 10 social group?

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Proud Parent
Sep 29, 2010
Reaction score
DOes anyone know how to join the Level 10 social group? I can't seem to figure it out!
I think if you click it on, you can see the mod names. Then you can message one to request being added. Granny Smith is the mod for the group.
I think if you click it on, you can see the mod names. Then you can message one to request being added. Granny Smith is the mod for the group.
Thanks! I think I messaged her a few weeks ago and never heard back. I will try again!
I haven't seen her post in a while so she may not be on here much. There is only one mod listed but maybe someone on the group with other admin privileges can add you. Maybe bookworm or bogwoppit?
I haven't seen her post in a while so she may not be on here much. There is only one mod listed but maybe someone on the group with other admin privileges can add you. Maybe bookworm or bogwoppit?

Thanks for that vote of confidence gymgal but I'm just a regular CBer without any mod powers.....I know granny smith isn't on too much and her daughter's college season is just starting so she may be busy with that as well but I'm sure as soon as she sees it, she'll respond.
I posted a note in the group to see if anyone can help. I know I get alerts when someone posts there. Hopefully others get the alerts as well.

Sorry, Bookworm. I thought I saw your name listed on a group as a mod. You certainly have the knowledge and presence to be one! :-)
I sent the group invite, sorry for the delay - lots going on on my end, all good though. :)

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