So sorry, I meant old four. My bad. So equivalent of new three to six. Just an innocent error. She did not need to score out of new four with the temporary rules that applied that year only. Or at least the head judge of our state said it was ok. That's entirely beside the point though.
It's fine, I just find it interesting. There are a lot of issues with rule interpretation on mobility and age minimums

The interesting thing is I know of multiple cases of this, but I guess USAG and state record keeping lag behind or something. In this case since she scored out of 5 then presumably she would have scored out of 4. But that isn't always the case. In cases where the child lands in 5 and is scoring poorly, makes you wonder a little. I think it is relevant to the discussion of gyms that are trying to mobilize kids with very low scores when there are clearly discrepancies in the reporting system.