For my daughter, form doesn't come naturally, it still doesn't after years of being in gymnastics. She says she always has to think about it. I think doing years of compulsories and repeating levels helped her a lot. She could focus on specific details and her form. She did 2 years of old level 4, 2 years of old level 5, a year of old level 6 with spring season as a 7, 2nd year of 7, 2 years of 8 and now hoping for 9 next year, but fine with a 3rd year of 8 if she doesn't get her skills. Every kid follows a different path and it's really a marathon for most kids, not a sprint.
I think struggling has made her a stronger gymnast and stronger person. And have seen kids that flew through levels easily, quit when the struggles came. Hang in there. Enjoy the process and the little successes. My daughter has always been a solid middle of the pack gymnast, but she's happy and loves it. And sometimes it all comes together and she's been on top sometimes, too!