My cautious attitude towards Liukin is shifting into negative territory: He gave this short statement to Russian media.
“The main reason for my resignation is the scandal with the doctor. Everyone is now looking for someone to blame even though I had nothing to do with the main [team] staff at the time”.
I do not think he has grasped the reason people are against him. His relation to the Nassar case is solely that Nassar sparked a sport-wide investigation into generally abusive and unsavoury practices. Whether or not you think it's fair, every wrong that coaches and gymnastics-affiliated individuals have done in the past are being discovered, scrutinised, and punished at the moment. Valeri's past is far from squeaky-clean, regardless of what he is like now, and without his initiation of a transparent conversation, he has gotten hammered. I'm not sure his position was ever tenable given how closely he was affiliated with the "old guard", but I do think he could have bowed out gracefully had he been more open. Clear conversation about his past practices vs. his present ones, an explanation of his ethos and methods as a coach, accepting past wrongs, and specifically outlining how and why he changed would have made a big difference to perceptions of him. Although I think he'd have to resign anyway, it would be primarily for association, not for his reprehensible approach, which I should think is preferable.
Although I personally think his strategies as a coach were totally unacceptable and correctly disqualified him from the NTC position, I would be open to hearing about how he has evolved. I do believe that people can change and that he is not an evil person. I believe all of you who interacted with him and liked him. He is nevertheless the product of an old system and it is sad, but perhaps unsurprising, that he has employed the baser aspects of that in coaching his gymnasts.
If this post is contradictory, it's because I'm still sorting out my complex feelings about all this. I am not totally on board with the "his past actions have little to do with his position as NTC", but I also disagree that he is an evil person who deserves no forgiveness. I don't think he's Geddert-level awful, but I think he's bad enough that he shouldn't have been NTC. I am reasonably sure that he has missed the point in why some people dislike him.
tl;dr you are all the unwilling subjects of my brain dump as I think through this