WAG Lost Skill :( Standing back tuck

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Apr 24, 2019
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I’m really sad because I lost my standing back tuck. I did it for the first time in March (so two months ago). It’s my favorite skill, and I got so good at them that I started working them ON beam! But about a week ago they started becoming inconsistent. It seems that I’m severely undercutting. Some days I can do really good one (usually when I feel super motivated). Today I was feeling down at practice (because of an injury) and I couldn’t land any back tuck well. Mostly I landed on my knees and the ones I did land I would take a giant skip forwards. I’m super upset about this.
Sorry to hear about this! Ask your coach for tips or a spot if you keep having troubles. You may also want to try figuring out WHAT caused you to lose this skill. Fear? A fall? Injury? Growth? (I don’t know how old you are, but growth during puberty, either in height or curves, can cause a lack of balance and spatial awareness. Then some girls have to relearn skills)

Sry if this reply was too late.

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