As an adult who chose to give up pursuing her sport/passion because of many reason but boys and football games and clubs and friends were certainly a huge part of it, I can honestly say that the thing I regret most in life is that decision.
If I could go back and give up boyfriends and parties and school activities and clubs and cliques I would in a heartbeat. Things would be different now in how I look at myself and my confidence in my choice and the ability to know what I want and how to get it.
I agree that I think that the introvert extrovert thing comes into play ina big way.
I am in awe of my daughter every day. She has confidence and self esteem that I could only have dreamt of as a teenager. She knows exactly what she wants and what she is sacrificing. We check in with her a lot, hear her feelings and support her in her decisions. We have always said that if something is really important to her we would make it happen and encouraged her to really look and listen to what is going on with her friends and examine for herself what is important to her.
We are lucky she has a great school district who works with us and we have come up with a hybrid approach that is working better than I could ask for. She has a 4.0, gets to eat lunch with her friends most days and has enough time to do homework, have downtime and really have mental and physical energy for gym.
She also prioritizes her gym friends and is more active with them on chat and social media, but she has a couple great girls from school who really support her in what she does.
She is blessed and on her own path for sure. No holding this kid back.
I just can't imagine a world that as an adult she would regret it. Maybe I am delusional.LOL!