I keep reading all her posts and interviews - and now she's saying she'll step down if people don't stop cyber bullying her, and all she does is justify, justify, justify her actions. She still, absolutely, does not get that it's not that she was fooled by Nasser.
That says nothing. The actual problem is that 50 women and girls had already filed complaints, he'd already been found guilty of having tens of thousands of child porn files, and her response was to say, "I don't believe the charges are true." She didn't believe it until when? Until 100s of women read statements in court? So when one, singular athlete comes to her and says someone that MLT trusts and likes is abusing her...what are the chances MLT will believe them? Because I'd put it around 0%. Especially since she STILL won't admit her fault in that. You can't possibly have changed, one single bit, when you haven't even admitted your mistakes.
I just wanted to say your timeline is not correct. Nassar was indicted on child porn charges in December 2016, yes, but he didn’t plead guilty until July 2017. I would say it’s absolutely possible/maybe even probable, that when this article was written/interview complete, MLT knew nothing about those child pornography charges whatsoever. Honestly, I think it’s possible she didn’t know 50 girls had accused him at that point...the investigation had mostly been in Michigan at that point and news was just coming out. I’m not saying she didn’t make a mistake saying ANYTHING positive about him at all, she did, but I just don’t think we can all assume she knew all these details...we do not know what she knew and when! Remember, USAG gave the coaches no real reason for his absence.
Lord, I can’t believe I’m saying this and I will probably be crucified, but my daughter attends CGA. I don’t know what went on there in the past, but I will say that right now, it’s an overwhelmingly positive environment. The coaches are great, they receive mentoring from the top down, and everyone is just very nice and supportive. The girls are amazingly supportive of one another, and they receive sports psych training monthly on such topics as “how to be a good teammate” which I think is amazing. They receive real nutritional training from a certified dietician and trainer, and I promise that at this time, there is no focus on weighing/being thin/etc...In fact, our last nutrition article was about making sure the girls are eating enough to properly fuel their bodies.
So, do I think MLT make mistakes in the past? Yes, absolutely! But I do truly believe she has changed over the years, she has tried to learn from those mistakes, and right now, I find CGA to be a wonderful, positive environment for my child....otherwise, no way in hell I would send her there 18 hours a week.
I agree a bit with GA gym mom, people are so focused on “burning down” USAG, they aren’t willing to give anyone in the “old guard” a chance whatsoever...the problem with that is that there isn’t really anyone else with the experience or expertise to take on these rolls.