Gymnasts Mental block on giant to LO flyaway

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Feb 26, 2025
Reaction score
I started this season(3 meets so far) as a level 7, for the first 2 meets I was a level 7 and did giant to LO flyaway no issues with relatively good scores. But about 3 days after my last level 7 meet I got a mental block on giant to LO flyaway and have no idea why because I never got hurt doing it, didn’t see one of my teammates get hurt on one and have never heard any story’s of someone getting hurt on one. At the meet this past weekend I competed as an Xcel diamond and had to do a tapswing in between my giant and flyaway. I have to compete again in a week in a half and don’t know what to do so if you have any suggestions that would be great!!!!
Thank you!
If there are no technical issues with the skill... then you have to believe in yourself and listen to your coach. Make sure you know exactly how to do the skill as well... not just swing up and let go.

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