And just to prove I've not lost my mind
(because I can't find a single YouTube video to use as an example), here's the text:
AAU Level 2 Bars
Follow the USAG Level 2 Bars deductions for the elements below except for where specific deductions are included: Warm up time 45 seconds
- Back Hip Pullover Mount (0.60)
- Cast (0.40)
- Back Hip Circle (0.40)
- *Single Leg Squat Through (0.20)
Leg/foot contacting bar on squat through
Failure to show clear stride support at end of squat through
- Back Leg Swing (0.20)
More than two hand placement adjustments
Leg not clear of bar on back swing
Failure to finish in extended front support Performing leg cut (simultaneous hand placement)
6A. Cast, Squat-On Sole Circle Dismount (0.60) 6B. Cast, Underswing Dismount (0.60)
*AAU Level 3 Bars
up to 0.20 up to 0.20
up to 0.20 up to 0.20 up to 0.10
Follow the USAG Level 3 Bars deductions for the mount choices 1A/1B plus the # 3 Back Hip Circle (as below) for the remainder of the routine to follow the specific AAU changes. Warm up time 1 minute
1A. Glide Swing and Return (.20)/ Back Hip Pullover (0.40)
1B. Straddle or Pike Glide Kip (0.60)
2. Cast (Minimum of 15 ̊ Below Horizontal) Return to Front Support
Insufficient amplitude of cast (line from shoulders to feet) 15° below horizontal
16° to 45° below horizontal
More than 46° below horizontal
Incorrect body alignment (hollow chest/straight line from
shoulders to feet)
- Back Hip Circle (0.40)
- Cast Squat-On (0.20)
Alternate foot placement
Insufficient back leg swing (hip lift only)
- Long Hang Pullover (0.60)
up to 0.30 No deduction 0.05 – 0.15
0.20 – 0.30 up to 0.20
up to 0.20 0.05
up to 0.20 0.10 up to 0.20
Failure to maintain hollow body position between LB and HB Failure to show slight arch position at bottom of downswing Excessive piking of body
- Underswing, First Counterswing (minimum of 30° below horizontal) (0.60)
Failure to maintain straight hollow body position throughout
Hips contacting bar (no deduction for thighs contacting bar)
1st Counterswing
Hips not a minimum of 30 ° below level of the HB
Failure to show straight line from hands to hips (chest hollow/rounded hip angle with feet pointed downward) up to 0.20 Body arched and/or hip angle open with feet extended over LB 0.30
- Tap Swing Forward, Second Counterswing (minimum of 30° below horizontal (0.60)
Tap swing forward
Failure to show slight arch position at bottom of downswing
up to 0.20 0.20
Failure to attain straight hollow body position on upswing
Insufficient amplitude (feet not at HB height)
Second Counterswing
Hips not a minimum of 30° below level of high bar
Failure to show straight line from hands to hips (chest hollow/rounded hip angle with feet pointed downward) up to 0.20
up to 0.20
0.10 up to 0.20 up to 0.20
up to 0.20 Effective Sept 1, 2013 (up dated as of 07-28-14) Page 6
Body arched and/or hip angle open with feet extended over LB 0.30
8. Straight Drop Dismount
Failure to show straight line from hands to hips with chest hollow up to 0.20 Failure to maintain straight hollow body position during drop up to 0.20