Missing Kip again!

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Proud Parent
Jun 12, 2011
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OK. I'll be the first to post something in this forum becuase if I don't just say it somewhere I will go nuts!:D
So my DD8 has gained and lost her kip twice now and it is driving me crazy! Plus I am getting worried that it might not get there in time for competition season which is silly becuase she has until Dec 4, when the Idaho Judges cup will be done and then her first official meet where they will get 1st 2nd and 3rd ect. isn't until Jan. 3 so really there is still plenty of time. Still, I get frustrated becuase it isn't worked on every practice. Now, I am sure some will say it isn't a sin to repeat a level and I totally agree and expect her to repeat some eventually just not L4 because she won EVERY ( 6 other meets) competition she was in last year with 35s and 37s include State Champion AA, Bars, Floor and Beam. I just can't imagine DD8 doing it again!
OK I feel better ;) I know I am stressing over something that will resolve it self but I want to make sure I don't spill any of my anxiety over to DD8 who just need me fussing at her and needed to tell SOMEone :eek:
Good Luck w/ Bars..... We start in two weeks here in TX. Will keep you posted!
:grouphug: Hugs... we've all been there, done that. It will come back. Easier said than done to not freak out about it, but know that it's totally normal and she will get it and it will be fine. Now you can send this message back to me when I post next week freaking out about my daughter having lost some level 6 skill or another...
Thanks everyone! I know she'll get it back again. Her coach told her just Friday when he was coaching bars that he wasn't really touching/helping her at all with the kip but as soon as he stepped away she would get so close but..
Good luck in Texas, how I wish our season was Fall/winter and not winter. Winter here in Idaho can be brutal and driving in all the winter weather can get dicey!
She'll get it back. Just knowing that she had it shows she knows the motor planning for it. It's just a matter of experience and it seems like confidence too if she can do it with the coach there but when he staeps away, she loses it. My dd is like this with back tumbling. gets and loses it. and a lot of it is confidence. Your dd has plenty of time for this. Usually they lose the kip only a couple times and then it becomes more consistent. She'll work it out...
Breath IN,,,,Breath OUT,,,,Repeat 3x. Ok now RELAX!!
If you are stressed about it your DD will pick up on that vibe and it will only stress her out. The best thing you can do is not watch so you won't be stressed too.

She will bet it and she has plenty of time.
Dont' worry. She has plenty of time. Both my DD's kips went missing and found their way back several times (for months). It will stick when she gets the timing down. A DD as talented as yours sounds will get it. Good luck!
Aww, Im sure she will get it back for good soon. My dd hasnt reached that level yet, but I have heard from MANY on here that that is a MAJOR one for them. The get it and and lose it many times before they lock it in. Keep us posted and good luck to your DD.
It WILL be back! I know how you feel though. Bars is the one part of practice that gets me all stressed out - and it is all about that kip! Right now my dd has her glide kip most of the time. But it seems like she's never consistently practicing that second half of the routine and therefore, she is very inconsistent on her long hang kip. She doesn't understand why I don't like watching her practice - it is because I don't want to stress out and stress her out.
As others have said - once she has had it - it means she has the strength and is just working on timing to get it consistent. She has plenty of time - good luck!!
It'll happen--don't stress. And stressing here is way better than stressing her! I fully expect to be reading in January about how awesome her bars looked :-)
Ok, Cher gave you the breating exercises. Yes, the kip will be back and nobody can predict exactly when. The kip and giants are skills that require strength and timing. Your dd most likely has the strength--her timing is just a little off right now.
So, do not ask about how bars went at each practice---just let that word(kip) alone. If you're frustrated, you can only imagine how your dd feels.

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