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I am supposed to leave tomorrow for Wisconsin! I'm going for my life-long friend's surprise 40th, and I don't get to see her much, so it should be a blast.

So then, yesterday, I found out I'm quite anemic, which I often struggle w/, but have never been this low. Duuuuh, no wonder I've been such a couch potato lately!

Of course I have to start Iron pills wich are icky, but I also have to do the diet. So I get my little list of high iron foods out, and tell my hubby to take me out to dinner, I need some clams! (I love those, and they are fairly iron-rich). So we go and have a nice dinner.

Later, I am up from 1:30 to 4 am 'losing' the entire dinner, let's just leave it at that, and sorry to get graphic on you (2 pounds lighter this am, BTW!).

I'm over the 'episode', but I feel like road kill, and I am totally exhausted. At this point, I don't feel up to traveling (physically OR mentally!), but I know I need to go. I'd prefer to just crawl in bed for the next ten years!

So could I trouble you, friends, for a get-well fairy? I hate to take her away from any needy gymmies, but if she is free for a wee bit...also, a suitcase-packing fairy and a boost-of-energy fairy would be nice! I am not up for the 'trip-prep' today! But at least it's just me, so it's a bit simpler than the whole family going...

Thanks :o!

I am so sorry that you are feeling so badly. At the moment we are good on Fairies here - although DD could really use the "stay tight" fairy - but it doesn't look like you need her for anything :p

I will gather up all the get well, feel better fairy, the pack a suitcase fairy and send them your way.

maybe if you think about how great it will be to see your friend it will help.

can you do a little at a time and rest in between?

I am so sorry that you are feeling so badly. At the moment we are good on Fairies here - although DD could really use the "stay tight" fairy - but it doesn't look like you need her for anything :p

I will gather up all the get well, feel better fairy, the pack a suitcase fairy and send them your way.

maybe if you think about how great it will be to see your friend it will help.

can you do a little at a time and rest in between?
Thank you, gymmomntc! Good advice, I will try to just get stuff done in little spurts.

Yeah, you can keep the stay tight fairy for your dd! I know I would probably look better if I were more tight, but I don't have the energy to squeeze all the necessary muscles anyway, lol!
I'm sorry msl, I am sending the get well fairy, and the suitcase fairy up to you (or down to you since you live in FL..ahhhh.:o) Anyway, have an awesome time in Wisconsin and like gymmomntc said, just picture yourself having a great time!

Feel better:o
Ooh you poor thing, that sounds like no fun.

So I am sending you the "Get Well Now" Fairy, the "You have a Great Time" Fairy and the "no Hangover" fairy (for the I am well phase of the party)

It will be worth the trip, even if you are a bit rough now you'll perk up. Mayb a nice bottle of gatorade will put some elctrolytes back in your now unbalanced boy. Losing body salts can knowck you chemicals out of whack.

I'll be thinking of you enjoying that peaceful hotel room......
Oh no - sending lots and lots of get well fairies your way. It is no fun to travel when you're not feeling well. Any chance you can catch a quick nap before packing and leaving?

I hope you feel better and have a great time !!!
Awww, geez! So sorry msl.... get plenty or rest and fluids today, and I have no doubt you will be feeling much better tomorrow. Hope you have a very fun, very safe trip!

:ill::vomit: (sorry, but I have always wanted to use this smiley) hee hee
:ill::vomit: (sorry, but I have always wanted to use this smiley) hee hee

Ha-ha! That was definitely me last night!

Thanks for all the well-wishes everyone, you have boosted my spirits and given me the incentive to push forward!

I'm doing better. Trying to pump myself full of liquids, which is helping. Tomorrow should be a better day.

I'll check in w/ y'all when I get back..:p!
Aw, hope ya get well soon msl!! I was very sick a couple weeks ago (had to leave school early) and i kno it can be miserable. But hopefully its just a 24-hour thingy and it will be gone as quickly as it came.
I know this is a day late, but I'm sending you back all the get well fairies too!!! I hope you're feeling MUCH better today!!! Like everyone else has said, try to take it easy, do things in small bursts of energy. Do you at least feel better AFTER you psych yourself to get up off the couch to do something??? I know that's the way it works w/me. Let us know how the weekend goes!

Thanks for the good wishes, all! You gave me the incentive to push myself and get the heck out of Dodge. :) It was way worth it!

It was a lovely weekend. Friend's Surprise B-Day party was a smash hit. She was completely surprised. She had 80 friends there, can you imagine?! One couple came all the way from England to celebrate w/ her. She was floored by all of us out-of-towners showing up. Her hubby is a prince for planning such an event, and managing to keep it secret. :cool:

Ok, I've never been to Wisconsin, or any other MidWest/Great Lakes state for that mattter, and I am officially in love. So picturesque, loved the Fall colors, and the people there were so nice and down to earth! Yes, it was cold. We had little snow flurries that didn't stick, so they just added to the ambience. I loved it. Nice change from constantly green, green, green & 80's-90's, all the time!

Oh, and I am officially jealous of ANYONE who has a finished basement in their home. I want one! But we'd have to wear scuba gear if we built one here, lol!

Thanks again for all the encouragement! :p
I'm glad to hear you had a nice time - what a fun birthday your friend must have had. I'm with you on the whole finished basement thing - I had one growing up and it was so awesome - it was the kid hangout. Now that we live in a state so heavily populated by snakes - I'd be afraid of who might take up residence down there if we had a basement :eek:
Glad you had a great time at your friends b-day! Wow, England! That is pretty cool:) I definately agree with the finished basement-- we have one and it is our guest bed room, the kids mini gymnastics gym:D, and hubby's computer. We love it and great for guests! Tell us the updates:)
Glad you had a great time at your friends b-day! Wow, England! That is pretty cool:) I definately agree with the finished basement-- we have one and it is our guest bed room, the kids mini gymnastics gym:D, and hubby's computer. We love it and great for guests! Tell us the updates:)

Thank you so much! Yes you are lucky to have that basement. I am coveting your extra square-footage right now, and I'm not ashamed to admit it! :cool:

Now, I hate to sound senile, but which updates are you referring to? :confused:

I think I have seriously lost a few megabytes of my brain over the past few years! :eek:
Now that we live in a state so heavily populated by snakes - I'd be afraid of who might take up residence down there if we had a basement :eek:

UGH! I hear you! Maybe you could post a few vultures around, to patrol the perimeter? Aren't they supopsed to be good at catching/eating resptiles?:D
I am supposed to leave tomorrow for Wisconsin! I'm going for my life-long friend's surprise 40th, and I don't get to see her much, so it should be a blast.

So then, yesterday, I found out I'm quite anemic, which I often struggle w/, but have never been this low. Duuuuh, no wonder I've been such a couch potato lately!

Of course I have to start Iron pills wich are icky, but I also have to do the diet. So I get my little list of high iron foods out, and tell my hubby to take me out to dinner, I need some clams! (I love those, and they are fairly iron-rich). So we go and have a nice dinner.

Later, I am up from 1:30 to 4 am 'losing' the entire dinner, let's just leave it at that, and sorry to get graphic on you (2 pounds lighter this am, BTW!).

I'm over the 'episode', but I feel like road kill, and I am totally exhausted. At this point, I don't feel up to traveling (physically OR mentally!), but I know I need to go. I'd prefer to just crawl in bed for the next ten years!

So could I trouble you, friends, for a get-well fairy? I hate to take her away from any needy gymmies, but if she is free for a wee bit...also, a suitcase-packing fairy and a boost-of-energy fairy would be nice! I am not up for the 'trip-prep' today! But at least it's just me, so it's a bit simpler than the whole family going...

Thanks :o!

I wish I found this thread sooner, sorry to hear this! I too am exceptionally anemic. My hematocrit (i think thats the name of the test for red blood cell count) was a 5, and 12 is normal. It was sudden after having my daughter. Blood transfusions ensued, no fun. I now take enough Iron to kill an elephant, though I do supplement with foods. My foods of choice are dried apricots, spinach, and cream of wheat.

Now it's my turn to apologize for being graphic! All that iron can seriously constipate. I bought psyllium husk from whole foods and put it in orange juice once a day to combat this. So far, so good! Also we tend to have poor/bad circulation in our extremities, so watch out for feeling light headed! We are a high risk for passing out group! Foot massages, hand massages...YES. Also I was told by the dentist to spend an extra minute brushing my gums because bad circulation in the head can affect blood supply to the gums, which can turn your teeth brittle.

Sending the get well fairy your way! If you're like me then you are asymptomatic. When my blood count was 5 I was still walking around that got me yelled at by nurses, but I felt fine! I think it's something that comes from being a mom, honestly there's no time to stop so you can't lose steam over silly red blood cells >< So be selfish and sleep when you feel like it I say.

Do you also have very low blood pressure? I do, the combo gives my doc a heart attack because whats already low drops to practically corpse-like when I'm in a deep sleep.
I've heard something called Floradix recommended over some other types of Iron pills. It's a liquid thing? Might be worth asking about, when I googled it it came up on Amazon and stuff so must not be too uncommon. Also some things inhibit the absorption of iron. I think to be safe you're not supposed to take it with things high in calcium, or coffee and tea (? caffeine maybe...I forgot about why those two). But vitamin C helps your body absorb it so taking with something like orange juice helps. So does cooking with cast iron because some of the iron is absorbed (I just thought this was cool although I don't know how consequential it is for most of us). Quinoa is a pretty high iron grain and a complete protein.

I'm not anemic but one of my friends was just told she is so I have been looking through some veg sites for her (she is a little newer to the whole thing) and that is what I've mostly gathered.
Thank you for the helpful posts, Linsul & Gymdog.

Yeah, I have been through this before, so I know the drill. I have a certain Iron preparation that works well for me, w/ no side effects ('Slow-Fe'). If my counts don't go up considerably when I am rechecked in a few weeks, we may consider an Iron infusion.

The Nurse Practitioner was shaking her finger at me too, saying I should have been really bothered w/ my symptoms, but like many w/ this issue, I just adapted, moved around more slowly, & figured I'm just a low energy person. So I really hope I have some new 'vim and vigor' when this gets treated!

Linsul, I too have low BP. That's why the day I was packing to go on my trip, I was afraid I wouldn't make it! I was so dehydrated from being sick the night before, & combined w/ the anemia, I was seeing stars when I walked up my stairs! But I made it, and am on the road to recovery! Thanks! ;)
I missed this too since I have been around sporadically.:( I'm so glad you went and had a blast and hopefully are on the road to recovery without having a transfusion. Take care and keep is updated :hug:

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