Despite what the insta moms would have us believe, I don't believe for a second that all those baby gymmies on Instagram are dying to do all of that home conditioning and home gymnastics, so don't let that be a barometer of your child's motivation. Both of my girls lovvvvveeee gymnastics, and rest assured, neither of them voluntarily do conditioning at home. Similar experience to Sasha and bookworm with my oldest (well, she's not elite level tops A team), but she was bottom at her first state meet. Got her to a place with good technical coaching and she was 37+ top of podium and skipping a few levels. Coaching made all the difference with her gymnastics so I wouldn't waste time and money at a gym you have been questioning this long. But, I do encourage you to trust your mom intuition and also look for the whole coaching package and that includes happy gymnasts, not just high scoring ones.