Parents My 3 year old bumping up quickly, but what's too much?

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to your question: 30 min +30 min + 45 min = per week is not too much for a almost 4 year old :)
Please don't feel offended and leave-chalkbucket is awesome! It is such a good place to get advice, suggestions, etc. from people who have been there/done that. You have already gotten some feedback, but I'll add mine--my DD was put on an advanced track at age 3. She loved gymnastics and we did let her go to open gym a few times per month (I think it was called lunch bunch). I believe it was right around age 4 that she was in the track that went twice per week. The biggest advantage to these classes at that age wasn't related to gymnastics skill, but she really learned to listen and focus and took those skills to preschool with her!

She never wanted to do anything other than gymnastics, but we did force her to try tball, soccer, dance, fun runs, and she did lots of swimming lessons at early ages. It would be hard to fit something else in right now with school and gymnastics, even at the young age of 7, so I'm glad she tried those back then. With respect to your other post, we did buy her a floor beam and a mat--I'm not sure if she was 4 or 5 but she has used them quite a bit, both for fun, play gymnastics coach, with dolls, and some practicing. Good luck!
Ange--I truly hope you stay in this forum, as I was selfishly enjoying having another mom in the same phase with her little one. I think this site holds a wealth of information, and if course opinions across the board!

I agree with so many of the previous comments, that as her mommy, you of course know her best, and you understand your specific situation best. That being said, I love knowing that the parents/coaches/former gymnasts here have "been there, done that". We presumably each want what is best for our children. Decisions aren't always clear cut, but having lots of info to feed into the decisions is great!
45 minute class 1X a week at 4 years old.

1.5 minute class 1X a week at 4.5 years old

2 hour classes 2X a week at 5 years old

3 hour practices 3X a week (on level 3 competitive team) at 6 years old.

That's my DD's story up to this point. As much as we are enjoying this journey there are definitely days that I miss the simplicity of having my just turned 4 year old in a 45 minute tot class one day a week.

Sounds like you have an exceptional little lady. Enjoy your journey with her whatever decision you make, and please stick around. I don't know what I would have done without the wealth of knowledge on Chalkbucket!!! :-)
I agree with all the sentiments here- just one small little thing to add.

I know of one case at our gym where a preschooler was getting privates, and it totally made sense (so there are some contexts where it really can make sense, is my point). She was about 3 years old and had special needs- probably would have had some issues in a regular preschool gymnastics class. The only reason I knew she was in privates at all was because my younger daughter's amazing coach was giving them, and she introduced the little girl to my daughter. We saw them in the lockerroom every week (this was during the one term when that coach was not coaching my daughter) and it looked like the little girl was having so much fun with our beloved coach (who is now back to coaching my younger daughter's group). Of course my older daughter (4.5) was very curious about the whole situation and demanded to know if SHE could have private lessons too. I said no way, mommy doesn't have that kind of money.

Our gym doesn't have anything about private lessons listed anywhere, at least for the preschool/rec program. Occasionally I've seen older team girls getting what looks like a private lesson in the team gym, so I'm sure it's an option for those kids. My guess is that if you seek it out, and you have a good reason (like a special needs kid), they'd probably hook you up. They do have a special needs rec class too, which is run at a time when no other classes are in the gym- my daughters used to have their rec classes directly afterward, so I got to see it.
Privates wouldn't make sense at our gym because there are several kindergym classes a week to choose from. But, if our gym did not offer more than one 45 minute class per week and I had a really keen DD, I might want to take advantage of some one on one coaching time. I don't think 45 min plus 30 min per week is excessive at all. Adding another 30 min session isn't a big deal either IMO. At our gym kindergym is 1 hour, so 2 classes per week would be 2 hours/week, which is actually a bit more than what you are thinking.

In the end you need to decide what's best for your DD. The good thing about privates is they can be scheduled as many or as few times as you like. You can stop them anytime.

Don't stress about not getting full support from everyone on this board - everyone has their own perspective about things that has been shaped by their experiences, and when they make suggestions and warn you about stuff they are trying to be helpful, not hurtful.
to your question: 30 min +30 min + 45 min = per week is not too much for a almost 4 year old :)

It really depends on the child and the circumstance. I have a 4 year old who has tagged along to the gym since birth for her older sister and she does a 1 hour class 3 times per week. It is certainly more fun for her than sitting in the lobby waiting for her sister. She loves it and it's quite the battle on the days we have to be there and she doesn't have a class. So I disagree. It's dependent on the child.
Personally, I would think 1 class + 1 private is enough of actual "instruction" in gymnastics. If her gym will end up doing an open gym time OR if another gym does one, I would do that instead. Playtime on equipment is a bit different then a class - especially self-directed. If not, I'd give her a mat or something at home to safely practice her tumbling on if she wants to, and let her have a bit of an outlet that way.

If you're looking for other outlets for her energy that are not gymnastics but will benefit her in the long run if she chooses to stay in gymnastics, things like swimming are really great for overall body strength. Many gymnasts who tire of gymnastics will go on to diving - so that gives her another option down the road if she likes the tumble flip aspect of gymnastics (you have to be able to swim to dive, etc). So just a thought on another way to fuel her ability in gymnastics, that is not gymnastics, and help her strength.
It sounds like what she is doing now is not too much right now.
My daughter did 45 min 2x a week at 3 y/o
1 hr 2x a week at nearly 4 y/o
1.5 hrs 2x a week at late 4 early 5
1.5 hrs 3x a week at 5 y/o
then switched gyms at 6 y/o and went to 4 hrs 3x a week for a few months which then was downgraded to 3hrs 3x a week now, at 6 1/2 y/o (they shortened the class, she didn't change classes).

She's a very active child, also involved in taekwondo and diving 2x a week, and school and homework every day, and loves just about every sport out there. If it were up to her, she'd be in soccer, tennis, girl scouts and piano too, but I just can't do it all. I think you need to just watch your own child to see how they handle things. My kids hate being home bored. The more we do the better. Other kids like to have downtime, and get overwhelmed easier.

We didn't do privates at 3 y/o, was too young to spend that kind of money, but we did have her in a group class 2x a week and did open gym when we could. At her old gym, when she was 5 y/o, we did 1 hour a month with the head coach. They were very worthwhile lessons, and helped her to get a little one on one time with some harder skills (FHC, BHS, etc.) Now that she starting to compete, I wish we could do privates again, but we have yet to find a coach we like well enough, that has the time to do them, so she's just in her regular class.

Good luck with your daughter, sounds like she's doing great!
I don't think the extra private would be too many hours if done on a different day ( I know you said the coach wasn't available to switch days). I would probably first try to convince the gym to hold another class during the week but if not your only option if she wants more time is privates. At our gym privates are pretty cheap but they are also only offered to team kids. I would check out some different ballet schools too and see what their preschool ballet class is like. My 5yo does dance at a studio and she loves it. She is super high energy so I was worried she would be bored but they really make it fun and do a lot that helps with gymnastics. They work on leaps, galloping, and lots of other fun stuff. My other kids all tried ballet when they were younger and hated it. I know if they had been at a studio like the one my youngest is at now they would have loved it. So all that to say not all ballet studios are created equal and most will let you try one class for free. My 5yo just started gymnastics this month (after a previous attempt when she wasn't emotionally ready) and you could not pick her out from the girls who have been there since they were babies and I think that's because of the ballet.
I don't understand, why people ask questions, then if they don't hear what they want to, they get all mad and want to leave.

Honestly in my humble opinion, which you probably don't want to hear, at age 3, I would take the money you are spending on privates and put her in something different, whether it be dance, music, soccer, cheer, etc... Focusing in on 1 thing so young, you are loosing out on opportunities elsewhere. Most gymnasts do not make it to level 10 or even college gymnastics. I have seen girls who were awesome in level 1, 2 or 3, struggle in level 4. There is nothing that makes me sadder then seeing a young preteen quit gymnastics, because of injuries, difficulty obtaining skills, difficulty in school, etc.. And feel like they have no other activity to turn to.
My 3 year old daughter does a lot more than your daughter does per week. She does 1 acrobatics class, 2 artistic classes and I coach acro once a week to the C squad (generally kids aged 5 - 10) and she will join with that if she feels like it. More than anything it's because I can't decide on a club. I don't think she does too much though. She finds it very very fun, even when just out and about she will be doing handstands or push ups just to stop herself from getting bored. I wouldn't bother too much with private sessions though. I think group are better, they have lots of fun, make friends and there isn't pressure at this age :)
Is there not a way to delete a thread here?? I'm starting to not even like this many negative people...I first off wasn't asking opinions about her current private or her class nor her age. I was asking about adding another private..not dance, not preschool, not anything like that...been in this group for a day and pretty well turned off very quickly...

I think you are being a bit over sensitive, why bother posting anyhing at all on a public message board if you don't want to hear other peoples opinions? I agree with everyone that privates at age 3 are just the gym taking advantage of your checkbook, and I'm saying that in the nicest way possible. My 3 year old would love to go to the gym more, she is constantly upside down and flipping around trying to copy her big sister. I think the coaches would look at me as a CGM if I asked for privates for her.

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