Parents Nastia's weekend meet report.

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Oct 3rd, USAG Fall State qualifier.

This was a fun meet! I mean, really fun. We had gyms from all areas of Missouri attend, and the competition was pretty tight. Nastia was moved up to the 10 yr olds group since she'll be 10 during the Spring 2010 meet. This alone made her very nervous as we have some really good 10 YO's on our team. I can report sweating palms from both mom and dad as some other teams (Esp the "Eagles" from Kansas City MO) gave us a real run for our money and grabbed many podium spots.

Nastia did well. Not as solid as 2 weeks ago, but still retained her '9's club' badge, which is really all she cares about anyway. An unlucky fall off the beam from her competition opened up the top position on the podium. - to her surprise.

Vault: 9.25 (5th) I honestly have no clue what to look for on vault.
Bars: 9.3 (4th) One day - she's stick her dismount. I hope.
Beam: 9.0 (9th) Wiggle worms set in today.
Floor: 9.5 (1st). If she only held her handstand 1 second longer *sigh*
AA: 37.05 1st place.

Nastia gave permission to share her floor exercise. (she's so particular you know...) :)

YouTube - Level 4 floor routine. Score 9.5
Very impressive !!!

She did great. We are still waiting for DD to make a 9 in L4. She had her second meet this past weekend.

Nastia will surely be kickin' bootie by States !!
Hey Tim, I think you're going to need to start building her a trophy case:D I really like how tight she is, and completely under control. Nastia is going to see alot of podium time this year, enjoy!! She reminds me a little of Elizabeth when she was a L4.
She did amazing! Congrats to her!! Her floor routine is beautiful. Love how pretty she makes it look. That handstand to bridge is gorgeous!!! Abby loves the girls who can do it like that. :D Falls on beam are no fun, what a score she would have had without the fall, wow! She is rocking the season. With her form on floor, I am sure her beam is beautiful! Can't wait until she feels one is worthy of a video post. :D
With a routine like that I can see why she'd share with us! Great job! She has beautiful form and such gracefulness. I agree build the trophy case now you're going to need it!
Fabulous scores and what a beautiful floor routine, she has great control and is beautiful to watch. That girl will be bringing home some serious bling this season.
That was a beautiful routine! She was born to perform:)

Of all the level 4 routines I've seen (many, many, many!) I've never seen anyone with such perfect control. And the handstand to bridge?!? I didn't know it could look pretty, or even that it could be done with legs together!

She is going to have a sore neck by the end of the season, the weight of the medals will add up!

Beautiful rountine!!!!! She is going to rock level 4!!!! Where was this meet at? we are orginally from the st. louis area?
Way to Go Nastia!!! Thanks for sharing the video her routine was great. great leaps and that handstand to bridge wow perfect!She is rockin L4!!!
wow what a beautiful handstand, bridge, kickover! In fact that was the best level 4 routine I have ever seen competed!

Way to go Nastia - keep up the good work
What a beautiful floor routine! She really does have a style all her own. She is having a great L4 season! Congrats!!
Great scores, she did very well!!! That floor routine score - simply WOW! I can't watch the video now, but can only image how fantastic it must be...

She shouldn't be afraid of moving up to the new age group - I think they should all be fearing her.... :p
Very nice routine! She is very lovely to watch! Great start to the season! I bet we see ya'll at a meet or too. We are in St Peters.

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