Well that was a really interesting weekend. Our results weren't really as I expected anyway - some better and some a bit disappointing. There are a couple of girls who seem to have so much potential in the gym, but just haven't really managed to command the podium in the way the coaches seem to think they should, but a couple more did better than expected. Frustration and pride in equal measure from coaches.
What I know in answer to some comments above - Level 3 Notts - Paige, Scarlett and Caitlin are all from Notts. Bella Aldridge did her compulsory 3 at regionals so wasn't eligible for voluntaries as she wasn't judged on them. So that's all their level 3's. Interesting that all three (four) have transferred in from other clubs. Molly Palmer seems to have transferred out of compulsories - either temporarily or permanently although, as someone else said, I find it strange she is allowed to compete out of age level 4 at regionals and pink ladies when she passed compulsory 3 in March. Would love someone to explain how that works!
Only two Notts girls qualified for level 4 team - Ramiyah Kofi and Isla Lees. The other two - Madison and Mae are from Coalville I believe. Isabella Whillocks was reserve. Two other Notts girls competed voluntary 4 (and both had competed compulsory but one for another club) but neither made nationals and no, Notts don't enter you if you haven't qualified for the team.
There were a couple of last minute injuries and withdrawals, including (so someone said) a couple of level 2 girls injured in podium training.
There were some completed result reversals from regionals - including the entire West mids team, who seemed to finish in the opposite order. And one or two girls who did very well at compulsories and who I was hoping to see good things from, didn't seem to have made as much progress and finished further down. Liverpool supporters were a little subdued.
And Halle Hilton is ace. Crikey Faith, the more I hear of your region the more amazed I am. I can't imagine any club turning down a six year old who can do that. She'd definitely be on our team. Watching our next years compulsory 5's, they look pretty clumsy in comparison. Our squad is not made up of twiglets though...