Parents National TOPS testing

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Wonder what they are waiting on...we found out about DD's performance during testing last Thursday. Oh well, I am sure they are quite busy.
Wonder what they are waiting on...we found out about DD's performance during testing last Thursday. Oh well, I am sure they are quite busy.
They delay posting publicy to give the coaches time to notify the athletes and families and also to give time to correct any possible mistakes before posting for all to see.
Has anyone been invited to B camp as an alternate? We are a point away and I'm sure others are tenths away so perhaps not a likely outcome, but DD would be super psyched. Very curious if anyone has been added and how far you were from the cut-off. Feel free to PM me.
They delay posting publicy to give the coaches time to notify the athletes and families and also to give time to correct any possible mistakes before posting for all to see.
I would hope that USAG would double-check numbers before contacting coaches. Can you imagine the heartbreak a young lady would feel if she learned that she didn't make the team after scores were re-calculated?
Mistakes happen it seems aksaunders. Last year I had two sisters a year apart test. Both were on the list- one as A and one as B. When I went to accept. I was told the older daughter didnt make it and somehow the younger ones scores were mixed in with her sisters age group too.. The younger one did make A but, that was an awfully hard phone call to make about the older daughter.. I had assumed because it was online and posted already that theyd go ahead and let it go,but that was not the case.
Mistakes happen it seems aksaunders. Last year I had two sisters a year apart test. Both were on the list- one as A and one as B. When I went to accept. I was told the older daughter didnt make it and somehow the younger ones scores were mixed in with her sisters age group too.. The younger one did make A but, that was an awfully hard phone call to make about the older daughter.. I had assumed because it was online and posted already that theyd go ahead and let it go,but that was not the case.
Wow. That is tough...for you and both young ladies. Let's hope it doesn't happen this year.
I thought Kim said she would be posting online on November 1st when we were in the parent meeting?
Congratulations to all the girls who made it to the ranch for testing and to the young ladies who are fortunate enouh to have made the two teams. I was just thinking about how impressive all these young gymnasts are to put in all the hours, all the sweat, and all the tears for what is essentially 5 minutes worth of work at a meet. To go out and deliver the goods on a consistent basis when there is no halftime to regroup or second half to make a comeback makes it even more impressive to me. I'm not trying to belittle team sports in any fact my two older kids only play team sports but gymnasts are on another level though when it comes to mental toughness and guts. Just my opinion.
so the accept /decline forms are out. All have a week to answer..before they go to the wait list
It's terrible that they would put girls on the list and then refuse to let them go. I hope at the very least they personally apologize to the girl concerned.

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